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> Does it matter?

Well, yes because that's the accusation, but no because you're correct in the sense is that you have to assume the worst if they aren't making it clear. Once the catch-all is in place they can do what they want and there doesn't have to be a clear indication that anything has changed.

I attempted to find something that would indicate they had to suddenly include that clause, but the closest I found was the introduction of Google Voice to the iPhone[1] a month before the SMS[2] was first mentioned. Apple's site makes no mention of metadata collection so I assume this has nothing to do with it.

The more I try to defend it the less convinced I am.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Voice#Rejection_from_th... Mentions Sept. 2010 and Nov. 2010 as being important dates around the iPhone release.

[2]: https://www.google.de/intl/en/policies/privacy/archive/20101... First mention of SMS in Privacy Policy.

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