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Quora is a question and answer site focused on getting really high quality, authoritative content on any topic that people are interested in.
The big idea is to try to get every question page to be the best possible resource for anyone who wants to know about the answer. One way to think about it is as a cache for the research that people compile by searching the web or asking others. The feeling you get when you see a Wikipedia article and you think "Oh, that's going to have all the information I want about that" is the feeling we want to create across a much broader space.
The best things you can do are asking and following questions you're interested in, answering other people's questions, and voting or commenting on answers.
Right now, you need to use your Facebook account to sign up. We might add other ways to join later on.
We're still in beta and are making a lot of changes and have a lot of work to do but wanted to get some feedback.
What are some good reasons to take a technology company public?
How did Mint acquire 1.5m+ users without a high viral coefficient, scalable SEO strategy, or paid customer acquisition channel?
Are most Y Combinator founders happy that they used Y Combinator?
What is the significance of the ordering of author names on an academic paper?
Why aren't all girls blonde?