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Off the top of my head the following games are directly influenced by it

1) Minecraft - Thence terraria and other similar 2d platformers

1.1) Minecraft clones, and several more voxel manipulation games

2) Prison Architect and Gnomoria


And this is influence drawn from the 2008 arc of the project.

The next part of the project should involve the creation of the plane of existence - where Adams has said that he will be drawing on multiple different forms of mythology to create magic systems and creation myths.

His last talk showed how <Cosmic Egg> + <Chaos> gave <birth> to <First ones>

<Cosmic Egg> <Cracked> and gave rise to the earth and ocean.

etc. etc - Until you have playable races.

ANd thats just a minor portion of the recent changes - all of which will go on to inspire and influence other games (or put people off entirely, with DF you never know)

I don't think Minecraft was influenced by DF to any significant degree, and prison architect is not what you would call an important game.

"Dwarf Fortress is the main inspiration for the survival game mode, and this is where I want to take the majority of the gameplay." (emphasis mine) --May 2009

You can argue he didn't even come close to fulfilling that goal.

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