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The average iOS app released today is 31.3 MB (and other mobile trends) (mightysignal.com)
4 points by mightyshane on May 24, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

good lord that's a lot of megabytes. i hadn't noticed this bloat until i downgraded to a very inexpensive android phone. it functions fundamentally perfectly except for the 8 gigs of storage. 31 megs is a massive amount of storage!

More interesting would be an analysis to determine the reason for the trending bloat.

In a previous post, we found that apps now have on average 16.4 SDKs, which could have something to do with it.


Yow, my first hard drive was 40mb. And cost $425 (present dollars, probably $1000)

iOS Swift Hello world is basically 20 MB.

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