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Are you refering to the following issue?



Which is a bit ironic, given your strongly arguing in https://github.com/ContributorCovenant/contributor_covenant/... that a user's outside-of-project behavior shouldn't impact that project at all.


"At least I assume so"

Like some might assume a project's core contributor's behavior is known of and condoned by the project, perhaps?

Sure. But in this case, it's highly relevant. She's not being hired _despite_ political activity that's irrelevant to the project, she's being hired _because_ of it.

That makes the hiring itself an endorsement of the behaviour.

Please stop. This is already way off topic, and making it about a specific person takes it into vendetta territory, which is far from the kind of discussion we want here.

Sure; I disagree, but it's both rude and pointless arguing topicality with a mod :)

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