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It has potential, but the documentation is full of TODO, so it's hard to say much about it. For example, I was trying to figure out how it handles unicode, and also how it handles memory management.

For comparison, ribs2 ( https://github.com/Adaptv/ribs2 ) is a framework in C that handles garbage collection for you. But it's not really a comparison because Balde doesn't have the documentation, unfortunately.

yes, it lacks documentation, I started this blog post series to try to address this: https://rgm.io/post/balde-internals-part1-foundations/

if you have some specific question, feel free to ask

So, how does it handle memory allocation? Are there memory pools?

as it is a microframework, it does not cares about such details, you can handle memory allocation by hand, or use memory pools provided by glib, create gobjects and use refcount, etc. It is up to you :)

Internally used memory should be free'd manually with the balde_app_free function. it encapsulates most of it for you.

That actually helps me have a better understanding of how the framework is structured, thanks.

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