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So you do chemo to prolong or for a chance to fix or both ?

Have you tried marijuana to easen the pain?

> So you do chemo to prolong or for a chance to fix or both ?

Chemotherapy is used both curatively and palliatively. Yes, it's often a treatment option to shrink or at least slow down tumors, in order to prolong qualitatively meaningful life (even though the side effects are quite severe).

I didn't downvote your comment, but if you want to understand why it's happening, might be helpful to read this:


I asked because I was curious: "I've told mine they can try whatever experimental chemotherapy they wish to." from his post.

Interesting, because he also said this about conversations people have with dying people...

""There's this alternative cure people are talking about," Which gets the ban hammer from me, and happily I only got a few of those. Even if there was a miracle cure, the cost and stress (to others) of seeking it is such a selfish and disproportionate act. With, as we know, lottery-style chances of success. We live, we die."

Perhaps this reaction is somewhat dependant on the circumstances surrounding it (general mood, how it's suggested, etc...).

I think he means "alternative" in the sense of "healing crystals doused in snake oil" and not "experimental chemotherapy"

Yes, and I think his motivation for enduring the experimental chemo is to produce data for science, rather than any hope of personal benefit.

Enlightened dude, staring right back into the eye of death without seeming to flinch.

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