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Review my startup: Speechable.com (speechable.com)
3 points by rsgalloway on March 5, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

You've got a little too much advertising on there, and it looks a bit unprofessional to me.

1) Instead of squeezing your content between two vertical ad banners, move all your advertising to the right side, and put your content on the left. Putting all of your content between two giant banners gives me the impression that you don't care about your content, and you're more interested in pushing your ads.

2) I would probably ditch the Comic Sans for a cleaner looking font, but that's just me.

3) I would move your content higher 'above the fold', and clearly delineate when it starts. For example, the current top image is 'Message from Jellied Awful'. It looks a bit weird cause of all the extra whitespace in the image itself, and I can't tell if it is supposed to the part of the page, or if it is user submitted content. Putting a border around it might help.

Thanks for the feedback, I think those are some good suggestions. I admit ad placement is not something I'm good at. I'll continue to work on the layout a bit.


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