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The whole point of the article is that this isn't true. The article says the body resets its metabolism so that it survives on less food, making weight loss more difficult.

The body resets its metabolism to survive on less food IFF you're burning enormous amounts of kcals daily while on an extremely restricted diet, as these subjects were.

"His routine went like this: Wake up at 5 a.m. and run on a treadmill for 45 minutes. Have breakfast — typically one egg and two egg whites, half a grapefruit and a piece of sprouted grain toast. Run on the treadmill for another 45 minutes. Rest for 40 minutes; bike ride nine miles to a gym. Work out for two and a half hours. Shower, ride home, eat lunch — typically a grilled skinless chicken breast, a cup of broccoli and 10 spears of asparagus. Rest for an hour. Drive to the gym for another round of exercise."

This is crazy. Huge caloric burn, but no calories to coming in, so your body burns fat and muscle, but there's still a deficit, so the metabolic rate starts lowering.

I really hate TBL for so a many reasons. As this research is showing, it's a total sham that hurts the participants for life. And for the millions of people watching, it creates completely unrealistic expectations, eg "Kenny lost 180 pounds, I can't lose 50 in the same amount of time."

The article says they were losing a pound per DAY.

Of course the body cannot maintain that metabolism.

I am talking a pound per WEEK.

If you're not losing weight after cutting 500kcal/day from your diet then you were gaining at least a pound a week before you made the cut.

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