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> The fact it does not have hipster dev approved status is also an added bonus.

What are you talking about ? the hype is strong with Go. So strong devs are persuaded they need to use Go at all cost then complain Go has a garbage collector ( just go go-nuts mailing list).

So strong there are countless articles on the net about "How we moved from X to Go..." just like in 2007/8 with Rails.

> The minute we see a bloated testing suite with yet another DSL, for Go, we are in trouble.

GoConvey and co ...

> So strong there are countless articles on the net about "How we moved from X to Go..."

Writing about Go is a great way to hit the front page of HN. I once saw 5 articles about Go on the HN front page at the same time!

I don't think that's true anymore (?). HN has a well defined, very short, hype cycle.

Except you can not use GoConvey and still write a quality test suite.

Plus GoConvey wisely separated the UI visualizer from the BDD, we use the former and not the latter.

> just like .. Rails

Uncanny, isn't it?

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