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No, there isn't. Message board nerds love to try to reason through vulnerability valuation, but the reality is that there are very few people who will pay for serverside vulnerabilities at Google or Facebook (or anywhere else).

The reason is that for a vulnerability to be worth money, someone needs to have a business process ready to go to monetize the vulnerability. Without that proven process, a vulnerability is just like any "Show HN" without a business model or revenue.

There are certain kinds of vulnerabilities --- browser code execution, most notable, but a couple others --- that organized criminals have whole businesses set to drop in and run and make money with. If you have one of those vulnerabilities, you've got lots of takers for it, and the prices for those vulns are nosebleed high.

There are a few kinds of organizations that will pay for a Facebook serverside RCE. Good luck finding them. Or, I should say, not finding them. Those same organizations will kill you and your whole family just to make a point. That is, after all, the only reason they want to buy Facebook serverside RCEs.

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