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The (ex) AT&T Research command tw(1) has pretty much replaced find(1) for me (particularly with some canned search selectors for particular projects).

I'm struggling to find any information on this command (it's not an easy name to search for!) Do you have any links you could share please?

Apologies, I forgot to include a link: The toolkit is now at https://github.com/att/ast since AT&T laid off the group a couple years ago.

About half the package consists of evolutions of traditional Unix commands. The parts I use regularly are ksh and tw. tw ('tree walk') is sort of a 'find --exec' replacement with a C-like selector syntax. It's a bit verbose, so for interactive use I generally set up project-specific shell aliases with selection expressions, e.g.

  alias cctw=$'tw -e "select: return (type == REG) && ((name == \'*.c\') || (name == \'*.h\') || (name == \'*.cpp\') || (name == \'*.cc\') || (name == \'*.h\') || (name == \'*.hpp\') || (name == \'*.mm\') || (name == \'*.inc\'));" '
and then use those, e.g.

  cctw egrep -w MyIdentifier

Thanks, this looks interesting!

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