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Concourse avoids the fan-in/fan-out problems of GoCD's XML configuration by performing planning for you.

That is, you define the inputs and outputs of a job, then Concourse derives how to carry out your jobs in the correct order under the correct conditions.

A Concourse yaml file is pretty flat, as a consequence.

That's a great writeup. I think you'd find Concourse attractive.

I played with Concourse when it was initially released but it wasn't there for us yet and at the moment there is no reason to change but definitely need to test it again.

I couldn't find any docs on intra pipeline dependency management though, any links?


I'd have to ask around; I imagine the Cloud Foundry release engineering team have some tricks up their sleeves.

As for my own project, we have an increasing group of downstream consumers of our API. There are a few ways I could signal upgrades. They could just watch my repo and narrow it to the directories they're interested in. I can also publish a file on S3 or push into a git repo that they watch.

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