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The Rete Matching Algorithm (2002) (drdobbs.com)
66 points by ohaikbai on March 26, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 21 comments

Unmentioned in the article is the fact that the Rete algorithm, due to how it breaks down and deduplicates predicates, has O(1) scaling behavior respective to the number of rules in the system, with the trade off of needing sufficient memory for the objects to be matched and the predicate network. It is completely fascinating to me that a rule system with one million rules could execute in the same time as one with a single rule.

I've become mildly obsessed with the potential applications of that behavior, and one of my favorite ideas (of which I'm mostly unqualified to implement) is a compiler super-optimizer, storing the rewriting rules as individual rules in the rule engine. This would also allow for adding interesting optimizations that might be purposefully omitted from existing optimizing compilers due to their infrequent or expensive matching. It would also allow for optimizations anywhere in the compiler pipeline without having to worry much about modularity, which could open up the possibility of macro-level optimizations at the AST level (for example, rewriting an array of objects as an object of arrays to speed up folds and maps over the array), or the machine code level (taking advantage of small differences in instruction sets and other on-die resources).

That being said, I'm pretty sure the existing Rete implementations are poorly suited to matching on subtrees as would probably be required for this type of optimization, and the memory requirements would mean compilation would likely need to be done on servers. Tradeoffs aplenty, but I would still love to see it happen.

RETE is often used as the inference engine for RDF/OWL/SPARQL servers. (I believe Sesame/SAIL was one of the first in early 2000s using Jena [1]) Since there are many graph databases now, some have added RDF/OWL and inference support.

[1] - https://jena.apache.org/documentation/inference/

Related https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_reasoner

Some more background http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~tukw/waim05.pdf

You can find a matching subtree in time independent of the number of patterns using essentially the same idea as the Aho-Corasick method of string pattern matching. This is done in term rewriting systems -- e.g. I just looked up the Pure term-rewriting language and this code appears to work that way (just going by the comment):


You could try out your idea by expressing your optimizer rules as a program in Pure. I don't know if after a rewrite they rescan the tree from the root, or try to get smarter and restart the matcher automaton from a point only just far enough up the tree (and back in the matcher) to allow for any change from the rewrite.

It might be interesting to apply Rete directly to the tree represented as a set of tuples, for instance

   (define (double x) (* 2 x))

   (root G0)
   (branch G0 define G1 G2)
   (branch G1 double x)
   (branch G2 * 2 x)
and now a rewrite like (* 2 N) => (+ N N) would go

    (rule (branch ?name * 2 ?node) => (branch ?name + ?node ?node))
I'd be surprised if this worked out better in general, but maybe there are some interesting cases.

BTW the GHC compiler for Haskell lets library authors define optimizations by rewrite rules -- like your array of records to record of arrays, I guess.

I did some work with Charles Forgy, and if I remember correctly, the challenge with RETE was that it scaled very well with a large number of rules (as you note), but it scaled very poorly with the size of the data set against which those rules were applied. He subsequently developed versions of RETE that addressed some of the weaknesses in the original algorithm, but the subsequent versions were not released in the public domain. For example, RETE3 (early 2000s) is now owned by Fair, Isaac.

I ported OPS5 to both Xerox 1108 Lisp Machines and the Macintosh in 1984. I did this for internal use but my company also sold theses ports.

OPS5 was very hackable. For one project I modified the Rete algorithm to support multiple data worlds. Fun times!

Heh. I also ported Forgy's VPS5 to David Betz's XLISP around that same time, posting it to BiX (anyone remember BiX?). Ran a handful of guess-the-animal toys on it then turned my attention elsewhere.

As you say: fun times!

I remember playing with this and other techniques in the past. Gensym's G2 was one of most successful commercial implementations back then. I did a knockoff cuz I wasn't going to pay them. I ran into the same problem others did: maintaining and especially debugging rules. It got really difficult as the rulebase increased. It was like programming with just if-then rules.

I think our modern languages with fast interpreters or compilers are a better route. The O(1) point saosebastiao brought up was a nice benefit. It does bring clarity as another commenter said. So, if we use it, probably best to use it selectively as a DSL in a LISP or ML language.

Note: The author's name was a surprise, too. I didn't realize Bruce wrote on that topic.

CLIPS is a useful implementation written in C, that is explicitly distributed as public domain software:


those early 2000's must have been the very brief golden age of rules engines/expert systems... but coincidentally, i was just recently thinking about doing some research on the current state of rules engines to see if there might be a viable option today for matching candidates to jobs.

my very first consulting project (yes, i had absolutely no experience), around that time, was implementing blaze advisor (now owned by fico: http://www.fico.com/en/products/fico-blaze-advisor-decision-...) to migrate a mainframe-based automated life underwriting system to a j2ee client/server system.

performance was a major concern, so i read Forgy's 1982 paper about RETE (that i didn't quite understand frankly), but the key takeaway (for me at least) was that all the hard work happened during compilation so running performance shouldn't be an issue. from what i dimly remember, the algorithm iterates through the rules set building something akin to a decision tree until the tree reaches a stable state. if it never reaches stability, it will throw a compile error. once the tree is built, matching is very fast.

the holy grail was that "business analysts" (remember when that title was in vogue? =) could write the rules, saving you months of precious time and thousands of dollars by not paying programmers (it did not turn out that way of course).

> for matching candidates to jobs.

A lot is known about matching. A lot of the work boils down to min cost network flows on a network with arcs with costs per unit flow and a maximum flow that is an integer. The problem, then, is integer linear programming but in this case the old linear programming simplex algorithm returns integer results for no extra effort. A nice modification is due to W. Cunningham, one of my profs, later Chair at Waterloo's Department of Combinatorics and Optimization.

What matching problem do you have in mind?

are you talking about codifying the matching rules as cost functions and then optimizing that as a linear system of equations? that's something i remember doing in college, but it's been a while. =) are there any existing software tools out there that helps in that regard? i'm not sure it fits my use case, but it's good to explore.

i'm working on a platform that helps hourly workers find jobs. today that matching is fairly straightforward, but it will get more complicated over time as we get develop better heuristics for matching candidates. it would be nice to be declarative about the matching rules and let the system figure out how to do the matching.

I used to work in a project that was trying to program using rules. I gave up on rules.

Sorry about that: I just couldn't see rules as an effective way to specify a problem or get a solution.

I wonder how many developers nowadays will consider a rules engine or decision tables to implement those underwriting rules. It gets pretty complex pretty quick when you look at the rules in the financial services industry (pensions, loans, etc.). I also see the application of DSLs as well, with the same idea of being more productive with less code.

I've been using products that have a RETE implementation for a while. While learning scala/akka, I decided to give it a try and build a production rules system myself. For a basic implementation, see https://github.com/bridgeworks-nl/scala-rete

For those interested - there's a Clojure RETE implementation:


If interested, there's a js/node rete called "nools"

At IBM's Watson lab, our team did some work in OPS5 with the RETE algorithm. The resulting program was called an expert system.

The team then continued with a new programming language, YES/L1. Using DeRemer's LALR work in parsing, YES/L1 was a preprocessor to IBM's language PL/I. The language had extensions for expert system rules, and that was based on the RETE algorithm.

We IBM made YES/L1 an IBM Program Product, their highest quality software product category, with name KnowledgeTool.

Our team worked with GM to make a deployment. We wrote several papers and gave one at an AAAI IAAI conference at Stanford.

The work continued with Resource Object Data Manager (RODM). The role of RODM was automation for system and network monitoring and management.

So, RODM was some active storage that sat between (A) some target systems in a network or server farm and (B) some managing systems for the target systems.

For this work, RODM permitted building software objects. The objects were in an inheritance hierarchy. Each object had fields for data and methods with code. The intention was that the code would be rules written in KnowledgeTool.

The objects in RODM were dynamic in that they could be changed, say, roughly like files and directories in a traditional hierarchical file system, during execution. There was use of

Ronald Fagin, Jurg Nievergelt, Nicholas Pippenger, H. Raymond Strong, 'Extendible hashing—a fast access method for dynamic files', "ACM Transactions on Database Systems", ISSN 0362-5915, Volume 4, Issue 3, September 1979, Pages: 315 - 344.

for keeping track of the names and Cartesian trees for dynamic storage management.

RODM had transactional integrity with automatic deadlock detection and resolution.

The role of RODM was (A) have a place to write software for system and network automation, (B) have tools, infrastructure, etc. such code needed readily available, (C) be able to write code using expert system rules, e.g., in KnowledgeTool, (D) present to the writer of rules and code an automatically up to date object model of the target systems, (D) via the transactional integrity, etc., have coordination among several rules and several systems much as in relational database.

The most common approach to monitoring was use of thresholds on variables one at a time.

Such monitoring is necessarily essentially a continually applied statistical hypothesis test with null hypothesis that the system is healthy and a detection of a problem is essentially the same as rejection of that null hypothesis.

Well, to have a more powerful test, that is, better combinations of rates of false alarms and missed detections, it would be good to have the tests be multi-dimensional, that is, consider several variables jointly instead of separately and independently. So, wanted some statistical hypothesis tests that were multi-dimensional.

Next, commonly in statistical hypothesis testing, know the probability distribution of the data under the null hypothesis, but there have been tests that were distribution-free, that is, that made no assumptions about probability distributions. For the work in system monitoring and management, with multi-dimensional data, distribution-free tests were essential since in practice finding the distributions of multi-dimensional data was hopeless.

So, needed some statistical hypothesis tests that were both multi-dimensional and distribution-free. So, invented some.

The intention was that such hypothesis tests would commonly be better means of problem detection than the usual rule left hand sides, i.e.,

     When CPU_busy > 90% AND 
     paging_rate > 100 AND

later shipped by IBM as part of NetView system monitoring and management automation.

An intention was that rules written in KnowledgeTool would run in RODM.

This post was due to a system error of some kind and before the post was completed. The completed post is now also in this thread at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11366724

I still believe it might be a good idea for instruction selection, if some compiler researcher needs an idea. ;)

I remember the RETE algorithm and some of its applications.

The RETE algorithm was used in a project for some work in artificial intelligence expert systems for server farm and network monitoring and management at the IBM Watson lab in Yorktown Heights.

The work started with the programming language OPS5.

Then the project invented a new programming -- language Yorktown Expert System Language 1, YES/L1. This language was a pre-processor to IBM's programming language PL/I. The pre-processing made use of the DeRemer LALR parsing tools. So, YES/LI was compiled.

And YES/LI had extensions for artificial intelligence expert systems based on the C. Forgy RETE algorithm and its working memory.

IBM shipped YES/L1 as the IBM Program Product KnowledgeTool.

Applying KnowledgeTool, we did joint work with GM.

We published several papers and gave one at a Stanford conference of the AAAI IAAI on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence.

The work of the project continued with Resource Object Data Manager (RODM). RODM was more infrastructure for monitoring and management of server farms and networks.

The architectural idea of RODM was:

managing systems <--> RODM <--> managed systems

where the <--> is for two-way communications.

So, the role of RODM in the middle was something like the role of relational database between an applications program and a computer operating system file system, that is, to provide infrastructure, functionality, and tools to make the work easier, better organized, more reliable, etc.

Or, the managing systems didn't communicate directly with the managed systems but only through RODM.

So, in particular, RODM had, similar to relational database, transactional integrity. Also RODM had monotone locking protocol with automatic deadlock detection and resolution with roll-back and restart, etc.

RODM was object-oriented with an inheritance hierarchy. Each RODM object had data fields and also methods. Some of the methods were change methods and would fire (execute) when an associated field changed.

The object hierarchy was not static but was dynamic, that is, could change during execution, that is, during real-time monitoring and management. Or, the hierarchy was dynamic something like an operating system hierarchical file system that could change during execution of the operating system.

So, to keep track of the names in the object hierarchy, there was use of

Ronald Fagin, Jurg Nievergelt, Nicholas Pippenger, H. Raymond Strong, 'Extendible hashing—a fast access method for dynamic files', "ACM Transactions on Database Systems", ISSN 0362-5915, Volume 4, Issue 3, September 1979, Pages: 315 - 344.

The associated dynamic storage management was based on Cartesian trees.

The intention was that the methods could be written in rules in KnowledgeTool.

So, broadly, at the architectural level, RODM presented to the managing systems a model of, abstractions of, the managed systems with infrastructure, tools, handling the real-time aspects, coordination, e.g., via transactional integrity, etc.

Later RODM was shipped as part of IBM's NetView systems management product.

The most common approach to system monitoring was thresholds on variables with values from the managed systems, say, CPU busy, page faults per second, disk storage used, database transactions per second, network data rate.

Then essentially necessarily, monitoring with such variables is a case of statistical hypothesis tests with rates of false positives (false alarms, Type I error) and false negatives (missed detections, Type II error).

Here what statistical hypothesis testing calls the null hypothesis is an assumption that the target system being monitored is healthy, and when the hypothesis test rejects the null hypothesis is a detection of something wrong with the target system.

Such a statistical hypothesis test has higher power, such system monitoring has higher quality, when, for a given rate of false alarms, the rate of missed detections is lower, that is, the detection rate of real problems is higher.

In principle the quality can be improved by processing the variables jointly instead of separately. For this, we need a statistical hypothesis test that is multi-dimensional. Commonly a statistical hypothesis test knows and exploits the probability distribution of the input data assuming that the system is healthy (the conditional distribution given that the system is healthy). Alas, in the context of system monitoring and management, with multi-dimensional data, in practice, knowing this probability distribution is asking too much. So, we need statistical hypothesis tests that are distribution-free, that is, that make no assumptions about probability distributions.

So, for improving the methods in the objects in RODM for system monitoring, I invented a large collection of such statistical hypothesis tests that were both multi-dimensional and distribution-free.

So, in the sense of rules, expert systems, and the RETE algorithm, might change a rule from

     When CPU_busy > 95% AND paging_rate >
     100 AND transaction_rate < 10 Then
     system_thrashing = TRUE;
to just a three dimensional statistical hypothesis test on the three variables CPU_busy, paging_rate, transaction_rate.

So, in this way are doing what has been called behavioral monitoring where we look for what is unusual.




"IDFAQ: What is behavior based Intrusion Detection?"

by Herve Debar, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory with

"Therefore, the intrusion detection system might be complete (i.e. all attacks should be caught), but its accuracy is a difficult issue (i.e. you get a lot of false alarms)."

Well, commonly with a statistical hypothesis test and with the tests I invented, we get to select the false alarm rate in advance, in small steps over a wide range, and get that rate essentially exactly in practice. So, such tests solve the problem of

"you get a lot of false alarms".

That is, can set the false alarm rate as low as one pleases and get that rate in practice.

Holy 1980s era AI, batman!

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