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Radio Attack Lets Hackers Steal 24 Different Car Models (wired.com)
19 points by yeukhon on March 23, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

A simple protection to this that would reduce the impact significantly would be to add an accelerometer to the keyfobs, preventing unlocking if the keyfob hasn't moved recently.

When I first read this I thought it was a silly idea. It seems so obvious now.

(I submitted this topic)

I remember created this submission 30+ hours ago, but it said "1 hour ago" and suddenly reappeared. Bizarre.

Also, if you have ad blocker like uorigin, try this link:


Reading it with Lynx also works

“Keyless locking systems have to provide equal security [to] normal keys.”

But what is equal? Any valet can easily copy a normal key; someone with a photograph of your key can likely do so as well. Both of those are harder to do with proximity based RF systems.

Pretty silly not having to put a physical key in before starting a care alone driving it. It only needs to be pushed into a slot with electrical connections to interrogate the key.

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