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Node.js on Google App Engine Goes Beta (googleblog.com)
371 points by boulos on March 21, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 102 comments

So many negative views of GAE, I have to add our, overwhelmingly positive, experience.

We were paying $200/month for a load balanced EC2 setup in 2011, that's for around 2k unique daily users. The load balancer kept on false triggering new instances, so we went to GAE in 2012.

Since then our uptime has been horrifically good, heavily thanks for GAE, trashing that of our competition, who mostly use AWS.

Last month we paid $150 for everything on GAE, traffic, CPU, etc. G-Analytics shows a peak of 54k daily uniques last week. All the scaling is dealt with for us, we can handle literally any traffic peak. i.e. x27 more traffic, lower cost, better uptime, spending virtual zero time looking at the operations side of things.

This is a mission critical app, although, we've never invoked support, so I can't comment on that side.

Without GAE/GCP my business wouldn't be where it is today and in such a short amount of time. I can't reveal numbers, but our bill and usage is significantly higher than yours. But, it is still just a rounding error compared with our revenue. Thanks to GAE, we focus our work on real features for our partners, which translates directly into profit.

A post on this topic that I made a month ago: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11159840

Thanks again Google! =)

did software change to account for efficiencies?

No, the basic architecture hasn't changed, but the app does a lot, lot more than it did in the AWS days.

Don't use AppEngine. I migrated Homejoy off of AppEngine in 2014 and I can't recommend the platform for any reason whatsoever. It's slow, expensive, not based on OSS, and not particularly stable. Bits of it (urlfetch, search, etc) would go down for hours at a time and you're basically hosed until they fix it.

I think Heroku is usable with a similar level of effort -- and you have a much easier migration path to something else if you're not using Google's proprietary datastore IMO.

We've had a very different experience than you. We've used Appengine since 2009, and are about to launch our third service built on it.

It's important to understand that that Appengine is not AWS. It is a massively distributed system providing scalability and fault-tolerance that you would need something like ten AWS servers spread over several availability zones to replicate.

Slow - true, request responses can be several times slower than a single AWS server. That latency is due to the distributed nature of the datastore and memcache - but that buys completely seamless scaling. So if you think you need speed to handle lots of requests, you don't. Appengine will spin up as many instances as you need to manage your traffic.

Expensive - I'm a nasty mean bugger so if there was a cheaper option, I'd take it. A single server on AWS might be slightly cheaper, but ten AWS servers spread over several availability zones (and the sysadmin to manage them) are definitely not.

OSS - ummm, you haven't read the article, have you? You have access to the source code of pretty much everything.

Stable - in the early days of the master-slave datastore, we did have occasional outages. But in the last four years we've had a single outage that affected our customers. I thank my lucky stars every time AWS has a hiccup. Furthermore when there is an outage, I know there are better sysadmins than I could ever afford dealing with it.

At the end of the day, it's the usual horses for courses. If you like doing your own sysadmin, Appengine will fill you with horror. But if you are a developer, Appengine abstracts the system admin away so you can concentrate on doing what you do best.

I do have plenty of production experience with GAE and is very different from yours. But our experience is from 2014. Since that period we were only affected by a single outage, on the 6th of Dec 2015 related to Google authentication against it's apis for around 17h.

Google seems to be giving a lot of love to GAE recently, especially with Managed VMs. They have delivered substancial improvements to the reliability of the platform.

EDIT: note that the issue I mentioned only affected 1.29% of the apps on GAE according to Google.

Apologies you had a bad experience. There's no doubt the original App Engine had some... quirks.

You may want to take a look at Managed VMs. All of the new runtimes are based on Docker images, are entirely extensible, and don't require the use of the original App Engine APIs:


You can use whatever Database or NPM modules you want.

It's great to see App Engine getting better! I'm exploring it again after trying the original app a few years back and am enjoying the improved interface and abundant documentation and tutorials.

One suggestion: Make a cloud storage product option free up to a few megabytes for hosting small personal sites. Maybe it exists already but I haven't found it.

You can easily run a small personal site on the free tier of GoogleAppEngine. Just google for "app engine static site"

There are a ton of options on what you can achieve inside the free tier. But the simplest one for the use case you seem to require is to author a static html site in a good WYSIWYG html editor and then deploying it as a static site in GAE.

Thank you — I will try this!

Edit: My use case is to move a couple of static sites to a host that supports a secure HTTPS connection by default, which App Engine seems to do: <https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/console/using.... I'll try moving one of my sites over and set up SSL with with a certificate from <https://letsencrypt.org/>.

Does Google still patch the stack (kernel, web server, interpreter, database, modules, etc.) whenever security issues are discovered? I always thought that was one of the best bits of the App Engine model.

Currently we patch all the software on the VM, but not the application container itself. We make new base images available, but the user has to re-deploy to pick up these changes.

Is there any notification (email, readable VM version on a server, etc.) when one of those redeployments should occur?

Hi Justin,

I'm currently trying to get my feet wet on GAE. Judging from your statement, are you suggesting that people should look into Managed VMs and maybe skip the regular GAE (or known as the original GAE)?

Perhaps the original GAE will be deprecated in the future?

No, that's not the case. Managed VMs is a more flexible environment than our "GAE Standard" environment, but (at least currently) comes with some of the tradeoffs of a full VM (startup time, minimum size, etc.). If you've got say a vanilla python app that doesn't need custom native modules, GAE Standard is great! If you want to run something we don't currently support, then Managed VMs gives you the flexibility a Compute Engine VM can offer you (run whatever you like).

Disclaimer: I work on Compute Engine, not App Engine but I'm familiar enough with their thinking.

Thanks for the info @boulos. I've been watching GCP division quietly building solid products and ecosystems while the limelight shine towards AWS and Azure to some extend.

I'm also very excited to see GCP people responding to any GCP questions and/or clarifying its past "reputation" with a calm manner ;). Clearly the tide has changed (probably comes from the top too? :)).

Me and my partner are planning to invest a significant amount of time to the GCP ecosystems!

You raise some good points. If App Engine does not work for your project, there is always Container Engine (Which is hosted Kubernetes, so 100% OSS) and Compute Engine (plain old VMs).

2014 App Engine is also different from 2016 App Engine, hopefully a lot of the problems you had have been addressed.

(I work for Google Cloud Platform)

Datastore isn't proprietary, AppScale (http://www.appscale.com) has built a handy OSS version which runs above Cassandra.


Disclaimer: I work at GCP, so I'm geeked about open approaches to solving problems :)

Excellent point Miles (and as you know I work in GCP too), I would add https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2015/05/AppScale-and-Ap... and https://www.youtube.com/embed/2fRTgosMtw4?rel=0&controls=0&s... (in both of which, of course, you feature quite prominently:-)...

I appreciate the input as I am trying to choose a hosting provider.

I agree. I built a huge python app on AppEngine back in 2009-2012 called Vroomtrap which was an app for tracking speed traps. The BigTable data store wasn't ever designed for multiple inequality queries (e.g. where X is between two points AND Y is between two points -- basically a bounding box) I ended up creating a GeoHashing function but I would have been better off not wasting so much time going down the AppEngine route in the first place. The only thing I have on app engine is a URL shorter which was a 3 hour project that I had to do for GetAround.

Last year I moved a personal project (https://www.gitignore.io) over to Heroku and it's been awesome. My whole application runs in memory on a single free dyno. the service uptime has been great and Heroku's pipeline system (Which is basically like Amazon's internal pipeline system) is really good for testing in staging and then going to production.

Why didn't you use managed VMs?

Well, managed VMs were only launched in 2014, so they may have migrated away before the launch. Even now they're still in beta, so I'm not too shocked at someone avoiding migrating from one platform they have issues with to a similar one with the same provider but which is only in an alpha state.

This seems to be for Managed VM [1] only, so it's a case of better documentation & tooling, but no new functionality. You can already run arbitrary code of any language on Managed VM instances.

[1] Managed VM is a sort of meet-half-way service from Google that is quite freeform like Compute Engine, but also offers access to a good chunk of App Engine's services. Still, it's very much not the standard App Engine.

Oh, are you kidding me? Man I got so excited when I saw the title, I already spammed the link to a couple buddies. I should have read it first.

I want real GAE. Not managed VMs. I want to be able to spin up a quick GAE version on a deploy, and if it doesn't get the traffic to scale up, then it just sits there and doesn't cost me anything.

Managed VM has 2+ instances running all month and is an incredible PITA to spin down if I need to temporarily. (The current workaround is to deploy a non-VM app and set that as default, which is just insane.)

GAE apps based on Managed VMs need a free quota as well. I have many apps but some of them don't do much most of the time. A couple will spike hard randomly. I don't mind paying when it does. I like the security that if/when something really takes off, GAE has my back.

In the meantime, I'll stick to Go on GAE. I'd love to be able to use Node, but things add up quickly if I have a couple hobby apps.

I'm glad that they are pushing Node and I'm a HUGE fan of the Google Cloud. I just really want Node as a native GAE thing.

There is a easier way to spin them down now: gcloud preview app versions stop main

Well, that's good at least. Must have been very recent, I was talking to support only a couple weeks ago.

I think technically that command is still hidden lol. You can run it, it just doesn't show up in the docs. We'll be officially releasing that one in a few weeks.

Although "gcloud preview app modules stop <module> --version=<version> is documented, and does the same thing.

Yeah super recent. It was one of my huge pet peeves with Managed VMs, so I'm glad it's fixed.

That's disappointing. I was hoping this might be Google's answer to Amazon Lambda.

Google Cloud Functions are in alpha right now, pretty similar


I don't mind managed vms, I just wish they had the same pricing model as app engine.

So, no SDK for node.js?

Of course there's an SDK! It's here: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gcloud-node

Well yes, just not an App Engine SDK :(

What specifically are you looking to do?

Greetings folks, I'm the PM for Node.js on App Engine. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me anything!

This appears to still just be a Managed VM, not really App Engine. What is new? This has been around for a while...

Is there any plan to implement Node fully on GAE?

I have one, how can European individuals use the paid version of any Google cloud services? Last time I checked only commercial entities were allowed to use the paid version.

Warning: IANAL. First, sorry for the pain! As an explanation, it's all about VAT (determining it, collecting it, etc.). Outside of Ireland we dump it on you:


But specifically:

> “Business” status means that you'd like to see a potential economic benefit from your development activities, for example: using the Google Cloud Platform to develop prototypes or applications with a view to generating revenue in the future. Most software developers -- including affiliates, sole traders, self-employed merchants, partnerships, students and others -- use Google Cloud Platform for business purposes.

I can't help you decide what your VAT on the use of our services would be (this is the realm of accounts and lawyers). I know AWS makes a different decision than we do, and we're very aware of the friction (again, sorry!).

Disclaimer: I work on Compute Engine, but again IANAL.

Thanks for your answer, although its worrying we need to have a lawyer around to see how we can signup without accidentally violating my local country's VAT regulations as a developer who just wants to pay and build stuff :(

I used google app engine for a project with very specific requirements - the client wanted an application for internal use that didn't have any ongoing costs (sign off) and would look after itself for a couple of years.

The platform has a lot of quirks, and I had to do a lot more learning than I expected to get the fairly simple project done. But once it was up, it did it's thing.

I'd definitely recommend for free hosting internal applications and personal projects that are just for you to use. Just understand that you'll need to shape your application around the wierdnesses of the platform.

I wrote about my (unsuccessful) app engine experience many years ago...hopefully they've improved since then.


Good writeup! I think the main change is that App Engine has really morphed into a "You know, you don't have to use Datastore". Cloud SQL was added precisely because of the issues you raise: being on App Engine meant being in a totally foreign world, and not being able to get out easily.

If you were to try again today, you'd take stock Django 1.9 via pip install Django -t lib and using vendoring: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/tools/librari... . You point it at your Cloud SQL instance in your DATABASES line (https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/cloud-sql/dja...) and you're done.

tl;dr: Yep! Things have improved in the last 5 years.

Disclosure: I work on Compute Engine.

It sounds like you know what you're talking about. Would you mind to take a look at my issue/question on the appengine django skeleton[1]. The Problems start after you've pointed your database to cloud sql und start using GAE specific features like task queue etc.

[1] https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-django-skel...

For your first question (playing with Cloud SQL) you've got two options. Directly interact with Cloud SQL from your laptop or like you said have a "development MySQL" separate from prod / staging.

Pointing at your Cloud SQL instance (maybe using a staging or development database) can be done in settings.py. The switch between modes let's you specify the IP address for your Cloud SQL instance when you're not on App Engine (which uses a special UNIX domain socket). We also recommend you connect over SSL when doing so outside (see more at the link I provided, or search for cloud sql ssl).

Having a local environment for MySQL is also easy enough depending on your box, but has the usual difficulty of needing to have a good test suite / being populated with useful data. I think it's worthwhile if you can pull it off, but I've seen companies big and small decide its not worth it (and instead use a separate table or database on the same server, maybe as a different user as another line of "don't screw up prod").

Finally, the interaction between Django's development server and the App Engine one isn't great. My response was intended to remind people that if you're not looking to use App Engine specific APIs you really can just get going and almost not notice. But you should be able to run your migrations speaking to Cloud SQL remotely without needing to import say Task Queues. So my workflow was to use manage.py for things like that, while using the dev_appserver when I actually needed to emulate App Engine (as opposed to the Django runserver command).

Does that help?

Edit: I forgot to add that we're working on decoupling the "emulation" of our services so that this kind of interop works better. See https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/beta/emulators... for Datastore and PubSub (and more on the way).

What version of node is supported? Currently in all other languages they are usually a major version behind (in everything).

You can specify whatever version of Node.js you want to use in the engines section of your package.json:


Frustrating that it doesn't specify how it gets those versions. Is it always direct from the node folks so it's going to always have all versions or do they have their own cache?

Reading the source code of the docker container they use (https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/nodejs-docker/blob/ma...) it seems like it's reading the available versions from an URL (http://storage.googleapis.com/gae_node_packages/node_version...) which points to some Google hosted storage. So I'm guessing they have some process to update this list after a new release and also caches the versions themselves.

Yep, we update the available versions constantly and just serve them from GCS to reduce download time.

I'll get this documented somewhere.

Disclosure: I work on GCP.

Fantastic, thanks!

So, considering that it's beta, where should I expect rough edges? Is there any list that shows what's missing to go from beta to full production? I'm actually really interested in trying this out, but I want to know what potential issues I should expect to deal with.

Something I found really awesome about Google's services is that they provide fake local implementations that you can run from the CLI. This means that you can run tests without having to hit the outside world!

Somewhat related to that, if you're using S3, check out s3rver [0]. It's a node implementation of fake-s3 [1], which is a local implementation of S3 that you can use during development and testing.

Looking through the examples, I'm confused about the deployment strategy for SPAs. Looking at the webpack example [2], you build the frontend app every time the server runs? That's REALLY slow for any reasonably sized SPA :(. It means you generate a new build each time the server restarts, and for something like node that's really common. (AFAIK, the suggested strategy is to just let it crash and restart quickly.) But it also means that you might have multiple servers running different version of your dependencies (since there's no shrinkwrap). Even worse, if you're running multiple servers with slightly different dependencies, it might also mean that you'll end up building slightly different versions of your SPA in every server for any given release! I'd love to see an example where you build and tag the SPA in a single place, and you make sure all the servers are serving the same bundled code.

[0] https://github.com/jamhall/s3rver

[1] https://github.com/jubos/fake-s3

[2] https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/nodejs-docs-samples/b...

In that example we don't need to run the webpack build inside the Docker image when the container is started. There are multiple points in the application deployment lifecycle where a webpack build could be performed.

When you deploy with the gcloud cli a Docker image will be packaged for you and and deployed. You could easily run a webpack build before the image is packaged so the built files get packaged as well, or extend the image with your own Dockerfile to customize the Docker steps, or build the image yourself locally and deploy your already built image, etc...

On regular (non-Managed VM) App Engine, developers are encouraged (but not required) to access services such as Datastore or Mail via App Engine specific APIs. The SDK includes a Development Server that emulates these APIs locally for rapid development.

The Node.js runtime on App Engine Managed VMs encourages you to write against public APIs for Cloud Platform (and other) services - including the public Datastore API, which means your code on Managed VMs is written similarly to how you might write it anywhere else. As such, there's no limit to the potential APIs you might want to emulate.

The gcloud CLI tool does early support for emulating two of the more popular Cloud Platform APIs used by Managed VMs customers, and we hope to add more - you can read more in [1]. In this way you can locally emulate services when writing code that talks to them, independent of the platform you choose to deploy too.

As to builds, your application is re-built at deploy time (not run-time) as a Docker image, cached, and distributed out to new instances as needed. As with all Docker builds it is hermetic and so any code running is the same across all instances for a given version.

(Disclaimer: I work on Google Cloud Platform).

[1] https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/beta/emulators...

> Looking at the webpack example [2], you build the frontend app every time the server runs? That's REALLY slow for any reasonably sized SPA

Of course, the alternative is to commit your built/minified frontend code to the repo, but that's easy & doesn't really require an example.

I know the conventional wisdom is "never commit compiled code" but a lot of the reasoning behind that idea doesn't really apply to JS built for the browser. FWIW my usual setup is to have a dev server which rebuilds the frontend SPA like this on every re-deploy/restart - but for production releases, I build locally into a `build` directory and commit it to my repo, and the production server only serves code from `build`. That way I don't have to build on every commit, just when I'm putting new code in prod.

This is my understanding about Google Cloud services;

  - Alpha means sub par quality / rough edges / unresolved issues.
  - Beta means fairly stable but no SLA, no guarantees from Google.
So I'd guess it's fine to use now.

With Google it's either beta or deprecated.

Wow, I thought that GAE was basically dead and now I find out that, besides the latest addition of Node.js, it supports Python 3, Java 8 and even Docker-based custom runtimes...

Why did you think GAE was basically dead?

Interesting things are happening to GAE these days. They are moving towards custom runtimes using docker that the user can configure...even their datastore API is being replaced by something resembling S3. GAE -> Google Cloud Platform.

Cloud Datastore is more like DynamoDB, not S3. Cloud Storage is like S3. Yay names!

Custom runtimes are trying to give people the "No Ops" of App Engine with the flexibility of Compute Engine. Like always, there are tradeoffs, but more options is usually better :)

(I work for Google Cloud Platform)

Do you work on the database products? Please, PLEASE collaborate more with the analytics team. We want export to BQ for regular accounts. It's not a big ask and it will improve the lives and businesses of MANY people. I think it will affect google cloud revenues quite positively too.

We've tried node.js as a managed VM a few times before this. One of the biggest pains is logging. Despite documentation implying that JSON logs are supported (can't find this anymore, maybe it was removed), we still haven't been able to get GCP to read JSON logs. You lose out on all of the nice filtering and request grouping provided by the GCP log viewer.

The issue is here[0] and it would seem they still haven't addressed it a year later.

[0] https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=1...

I'm surprised they didn't have it until now...

It's not really that surprising. They started with Python because the inventor of Python worked there. Then they added Java because... well it's Java. Then they added GoLang because they invented it. Then they added PHP because most of the internet still runs on that. So Node is the next logical step... or Ruby probably would have worked as well.

Actually, when we started (GAE) with Python, my friend Guido didn't YET work here -- I was finally able to convince him to join, shortly after GAE's launch, in part thanks to the prospect of working on GAE's Python (which is what he ended up doing here, especially developing ndb, but also many other little things). Python was at the heart of Google for long before that (read Levy's "In the 'plex"...!-) -- or I wouldn't have joined Google 11 years ago, BTW.

As for Java, well -- guess who announced Java to the world at Moscone Center in SF 21 years ago...? One Eric Schmidt, then Sun's VP for SW products (he reminisced about that this morning at his Next keynote)... who just happened to be Google's CEO when Java was announced as GAE's 2nd language!

Has anyone tried running MeteorJS on GAE?

Well that took forever. Congrats on getting to the right place though Google.

The only reason why I'm still on AWS: I don't own a credit card.

Quirkiness of Javascript + extreme weirdness of App Engine (especially datastore) = best of both worlds.

Aww, I like Datastore.

But, there's no requirement that you use Datastore. The point of App Engine is that it's "you just give us code, we run it for you". With Managed VMs (built on top of Compute Engine) we're able to offer that programming model with a more flexible environment.

As someone mentioned elsewhere, there's even "just hand us a random docker container". We've had people run ffmpeg because you can just hook up App Engine's request/response and autoscaling to an arbitrary thing, and you've got an autoscaling web service.

tl;dr: Don't get hung up on the old "extreme weirdness of App Engine", this is different.

and make sure billing is enabled !

Great news!

All I know about GAE is that when my python app started being used by HN users I upgraded my account to a paid one to increase performance.

In the transition , without any warning, google took the app down, for a day. Thus killing all chance of acquiring a userbase now that I had hit the frontpage.

When I went onto the IRC GAE channel to ask someone for help to unlock or keep the app running during this important moment the reply from a staff member was ' You should have planned better'. I was surprised to hear this response and did not pursue the matter further. Its all in the IRC logs if any of this sounds doubtful.

TL;DR; Surprisingly, I did not find the GAE platform to be a supportive environment for startups.

Do you remember the day when this IRC event took place or what nick you used? I have the logs, and would like to look into this. Also, when you say "staff member", do you mean Google's staff?

The reason I'm asking is that I've been active in the GAE IRC channel for 6 years and I don't remember anything like this ever happening. I do remember a few cases where people have come with similar problems complaining that their free quota ran out and then regular people telling them that they need to start paying to use the service further.

There really hasn't been an active Googler in the GAE IRC channel for many years, so that fact makes all of this particularly fishy.


Thanks for the reply.

I would like to retract the statement that it was a member of staff, you are correct, this may have not been the case. It was a while ago and it may have just been someone in the know, who didn't actually work for google.

I didnt expect anyone to even notice my comment.

I should have been more careful with my statements.

I will be removing the comment when HN allows me to log back in (apparently I can log in again in about an hour).

    > I will be removing the comment when HN allows me to log back in.
In that case, here's a copy of your initial comment, because removing top-level comments that have ongoing follow-up discussion makes for very confusing discussions:

    > All I know about GAE is that when my python app started being used
    > by HN users I upgraded my account to a paid one to increase
    > performance.
    > In the transition , without any warning, google took the app down,
    > for a day. Thus killing all chance of acquiring a userbase now that
    > I had hit the frontpage.
    > When I went onto the IRC GAE channel to ask someone for help to
    > unlock or keep the app running during this important moment the
    > reply from a staff member was ' You should have planned better'. I
    > was surprised to hear this response and did not pursue the matter
    > further. Its all in the IRC logs if any of this sounds doubtful.
    > TL;DR; Surprisingly, I did not find the GAE platform to be a
    > supportive environment for startups.
    > ionwake @ ~2016-03-21 22:xx UTC

Well that's just creepy. I bet you're known as the weird guy who won't take no for an answer, and spends his time stalking acquaintances' internet presence wistfully.

Well for some reason I can't seem to be able to delete my comment, so I guess there isn't much I can do =(

The edit window is open for one or two hours.

Yes but my NOPROCRAST settings blocked my access for an hour so I wasn't able to.

I have heard many more stories close to this one than I ever have about a successful product launch utilizing GAE. I've never used GAE and have mostly been scared off by my experience with Google support throughout other applications and services being close to non-existent. I know by this point Google is large enough that this may not seem like a concern, but I am somewhat surprised that there isn't a larger user outcry against Google's support structure.

That's awful, I'm sorry you experienced that. It's no use to you now, but if you had gotten that message to me, I would have walked over to SRE / Support and we could have reset your quotas (I assume that's what you mean by "Took the app down for a day").

Disclaimer: I work on Compute Engine not on App Engine.

I appreciate that you'd be willing to do that, but the fact that it's necessary to get a human (even a technical and helpful one such as yourself) involved to deal with this is a big red flag.

To be clear, the person he reached should have reset / gotten the quota reset (if that's the root cause). There's often a human needed when something goes sideways, which is why we have paid support for Cloud - cloud.google.com/support. The issue is that he reached a human, and it didn't fix his problem. So like I said, sorry! (but I think it's okay to rely on humans fixing things like this)

I had to log in with my other account ( as I have the 'get back to work blocker' appearing on my other one).

I just want to say, this happened a year ago, and things may have changed.

I just had to make the statement as it hit close to home and Ive never mentioned it previously.

Hopefully there is a system/warning in place so apps arent taken down, without warning like this, when transitioning from a free to a paid account ( I think it was to do with the quotas like you said).

All the best and thanks for the reply.

That is pretty awful. Have you found an alternative that you can suggest?

It's really not that hard to run your own servers (VPS) - it's almost always the best way to control things and they scale up way better than most people think.

But if you're really scared of that, farm out the entire operations system to a company like vmfarms. They'll take care of everything for you. A bit more expensive but they will hold your hand the entire way.

At the moment I just need something much smaller to be honest.

"For startups"

Well they say right there in the article: "App Engine provides developers with a great platform for building web applications and services that need to operate at Google scale."



Honestly what is the enterprise these days? Internal apps are getting very quickly replaced by SaaS. Some of them are built on Node.js and many of them aren't. Most of the larger ones are built on a mix of technologies.

And so is the enterprise. You'll find it impossible to find a single Fortune 500 company with everything they do in one single stack. It just doesn't happen. Microsoft have Linux services and systems. Banks are a mish mash of multiple stacks.

They might have larger amounts of one stack than the other, but so what?

To answer your question: yes, enterprises are using node.js. Both directly and indirectly. It's not just fanboy technology. It works. We switched Craigslist from postfix to Haraka and they love it. Just one example but there are plenty out there.

please provide sources and references to back up your claims.

it irks me when a 19 year old CTO on the autistic spectrum

This added literally nothing to your post aside from a nice dose of ableism. This is HN, not reddit (if that still means anything these days)

you add nothing to the discussion on whether you are using node.js in enterprise or not. feel free to nit pick further by adding nothing to the discussion.

reply to the other guys comment below:

what's a BRE?

true but a bulk majority of businesses (fortune 10,000) are built on some type of Java. I just don't see them uprooting their investments.

It's always easier to think of tearing things down then building on top of existing,stable and mature systems like JVM. So much of the worlds devices and critical applications depend on JVM. I just don't see it changing in the manner poeple on HN will have you believe. One unicorn at a time guys...

They aren't nitpicking, it's a shitty thing to say. Period.


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Yes, we are, but caveat; it's only for a few smaller services where the functionality makes lots of sense to be heavily asynchronous, and we're not leveraging many external dependencies.

FWIW, deployment and packaging is still a painful issue for node - I've been bitten in the past by people not semver'ing their modules in a non-breaking way.

thanks I think that is a more realistic real world scenario, some people on HN thinks they can change the enterprise world but it's super hard to do it with javascript imho and evident by that it's not being used in wide deployment....

Java is still king in the enterprise world.

Why do you think that people want to use it to build BREs?

Not everything in enterprises in a giant monolith. People make "apps" for various reasons.

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