| | Ask HN: Should we give a discount to a billion dollar startup? | |
21 points by sec_throwaway on March 12, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 21 comments
| | We are a 5 months old SaaS startup with a fairly high monthly pricing ($1000+/month) with 7 paying customers. A large startup signed up recently for a month and now wants to prepay for a year but is expecting a discount on the list price (~50% discount). We have offered them a discount of 2 months, which I know is not substantial but given that we are bootstrapped till now, we are really in a dilemma. Any advice from people who have been in a similar situation would be helpful. Thank you. |
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But for 50% off I would get an ok to use their logo on your website and marketing materials, be used as a case study, get quotes/reviews to use from their CTO/CEO, etc . . . also note they can not disclose a discounted rate and maybe spell out that the discount will reduce 10% each year, and also that plans/pricing can change in the future.
As long as their subscription to your SaaS won't cause any profit loss with the discount I think it's a win win.
As far as strategy can you add plans or plan levels that will protect you from absorbing their high use of your SaaS or put in place a growth in price as they grow use your SaaS more?
Sounds like a win win, as long as you're not losing money on their subscription.
I'm definitely more likely to sign up for a SaaS if I see a big name logo using it.
Congrats, good luck.