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Debian, Ubuntu, Qubes, and others are on https://mirrors.kernel.org.

I suspect that wiki page you linked might be out of date. It seems like all of the Whonix download links on their website are over https, like the VirtualBox images https://www.whonix.org/download/

Whonix also runs a tor mirror, which has significantly more overhead than TLS.

I know the last time I played with Whonix it was http, so I think you're right that it's a recent change.

For tails: https://tails.thecthulhu.com/. It appears to be the same server behind http://dl.amnesia.boum.org/ based on the TLS cert.

The situation is messy to actually use https for all of these projects, but I think the issue now is organization rather than overhead.

Huh. The language there seems to be from 2013.

I seem to remember downloading whonix from their site over HTTP around a year ago.

Do you see a tails HTTPS mirror?

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