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The mistake most of these make is they are both web frameworks and they have their own build in web server. We should learn from mistakes in previous communities such as in Python (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0333/#rationale-and-goal...) and not tightly coupling these things together.

A user should be free to choose their favourite web framework and then choose the best web server for their needs.

The server behind Vapor can be swapped out with any class that conforms to ServerDriver. So providers could be added to support any Swift web server.

I said "most", not "all" ;).

As of yesterday, I started working on one too!

If I could think of a name, I'd release it right now just to add it to your sweet list.

Interesting you mention so many similar HTTP servers but not Zewo (https://github.com/Zewo)

JavaScript is a bit of a "special" example.

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