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Bingo. Not enough people in here are understanding the legal side of this.

Someone in this community could quite reasonably root against apple, on the basis that a DOJ loss would give the DOJ a lot of fuel to push for legislation mandating backdoors.

It's a very different situation when Apple can reasonably do something to undermine encryption and when there's nothing they can do, and the precedent going forward from this case is negligible considering that the 5C is the last holdout of an enclave-less iPhone. What we should fear is legislation that bars the creation of truly secure phones. A ruling for Apple might aid in the creation and passing of such legislation.

>Not enough people in here are understanding the legal side of this.

This is just one more step towards winning the Crypto Wars-

The Crypto Wars is an unofficial name for the U.S. government's attempts to limit the public's and foreign nations' access to cryptography strong enough to resist decryption by national intelligence agencies (especially USA's NSA)


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