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But it wouldn't, because the surrounding infrastructure would be guaranteeing that. My point is that distributed systems engineers are assuming too few things about the hardware and OS. A much wider space of distributed algorithms become useful if you have full control over your stack.

Do you think NASA quibbles about how to make a perfect consensus bit-coding algorithm between the fault-tolerant processors of a mars probe? No; they just use hardware+firmware that provides a hard real-time platform, allowing the algorithm itself to be simple.

It doesn't require a VM pause to cause a system freeze, an SMI interrupt can do that as well.

It doesn't take a lot to have backwards time travel, NTP can do that for you as well in some bad configurations.

It's very hard to rely on time in a distributed system. If you want a simple algorithm just don't rely on time at all, use it for logs so a human can correlate things when debugging an issue but don't assume time will flow at the same rate for all systems. Do use a monotonic clock always for internal timers, time does move backwards in systems.

I have seen SMI pauses for almost 5 seconds!

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