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Sorry, as you replied I had deleted my comment, because I decided I'd rather not get into an argument about this :) I will give you the link though:

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11045700 <- "Diesel performs 33% faster than rust-postgres, and will be competitive with if not faster than ideomatic C. "

Forgive me, I didn't intend to be so argumentative. I genuinely want to understand. I'm trying to figure out if there are whole categories of use cases that I just don't have any exposure to.

As a side note: I keep trying Rust over and over again, and just can't get in to it. I think my brain just doesn't work that way. For my hobby project that needs super low level perf, I've moved a codebase from C, to Rust, and now to http://terralang.org/ and I'm finally quite satisfied with how the project is going.

Naw, it was my response that was more so than I wanted it to be. No worries. :)

Rust focuses on "zero-cost abstractions", that is, if you had to implement a feature yourself, you couldn't do it any better.

So this library, while more complex than a straightforward binding, has more features that are useful, like increased safety, while also being faster. A win-win. And very much in line with Rust's overall philosophy.

It's a bit late here, but feel free to DM me in our Gitter room and I can give you a full explanation tomorrow.

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