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I know, I know. And Rust is a better systems language for it.

Still, I can dream.

Take a look at pony-lang. It's sorta like what Rust was once going to be. It's sort of implicitly going for a bare-metal Erlang-shaped thing.

There's a lot missing, not the least of which is a set of abstractions over the rich primitives which provide simple programming interfaces that don't force a lot of the language's complexity on you, but if what you want is something that might one day be a really fast Erlangish it's probably the front-runner at the moment.

I still have high hopes for BEAMJIT existing as a production-grade thing someday. That way I don't have to drop into C in my Erlang applications as often. Sure BEAMJIT will probably never be as fast, but if it can be good-enough while also not forcing me across the safety boundary to get to that good-enough state... that's a huge win.

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