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It's hard to be a relevant web browser if your users can't watch Netflix.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. They should either focus on their core mission, or change it (to being relevant). Lack of focus/compromizing core values is a shortcut to failure.

Saying "it's 1hard to be a relevant web browser if you can't X" is an excuse that can be used to undo each and every point on Mozilla's Manifesto[1]

1. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/manifesto/

It does seem that Mozilla can only be true to their stated values when it is convenient to do so.

Most internet users cannot watch Netflix, whether their browsers support DRM or not.

They see message like this:

Sorry, Netflix is not available in your country yet.

There's that promotion of freedom against discrimination due to the country you live in. Thanks, Mozilla!

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