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Melisma Stochastic Melody Generator (cmu.edu)
13 points by colund on Nov 19, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Wish you could download an audio; Midi doesn't "just play" in my very mainstream browser on a very mainstream OS :(

When making hobby games (http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ is in just 3 weeks everybody!) I have always had the vision that the procedural music and the procedural animations should be in sync, e.g. that the puffs of smoke from a steam train should sync with the sound of the chuffs, or the puffs of smoke from a factory chimney should puff in frequency to the music which should have its tempo set by the state of the economy in the city-building game etc.

A nice client-side javascript library to make playable audio live would be excellent.

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