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Ask HN: Which university has better CS program: FDU/Windsor/Western/Laurier?
1 point by lumenwrites on Nov 16, 2015 | hide | past | favorite
Hi! I have been accepted into 4 universities, and now I am choosing where to study. I am interested in AI and WebDev, but mostly I just want to get a solid foundation in Computer Science.

Can you help me to decide which university I should choose?

- Western: http://www.csd.uwo.ca/current_students/undergraduate_students/programs/

- Laurier: http://www.wlu.ca/programs/science/undergraduate/computer-science-bsc/index.html

- Windsor: http://www1.uwindsor.ca/future-students/programprofile/computer-science-with-optional-co-op

- FDU: http://view2.fdu.edu/academics/university-college/school-of-computer-sciences-and-engineering/academic-programs/computer-science-programs/

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