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Last 48 hours of #TwitchInstalls compressed into 10 minutes (youtube.com)
15 points by ironbound on Nov 8, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

They actually managed to get TempleOS running! If only briefly. I'm impressed.

What was all the Windows Server 2012 stuff about, did they get out of the VM ?

Could have been towards one of the "Bonus Points" challenges from the project site ( https://www.twitchintheshell.com/ )

Also looked like some windows 95 stuff going on there.

I find it interesting that the biggest threat to installing Arch Linux on a VM... is all of the other things they installed on to the VM.

Playing games, installing old and new versions of windows, all sorts of things. Even detours in to immortalizing the process of posting 'proof of life' to various places.

This is from the stream that was the target of a botnet right? It'd be interesting if access to the IRC chat is available to compare the ratio of successful hits for this vs Twitch plays Pokemon vs a randomized control to see if there were moments with or without tampering from outside forces.

Video is not from botnet stream. For anyone not fully up to date, the stream is broken into two phases. As the project being botnet targeted (called it!) and unsustainable by original creators, it was then handed over to a stronger group for support.

Even with the issues, it has been an amazing experiment to observe!

Oh so it's another run. Thank you for the clarification.

Wow, can't believe they managed to install TempleOS during the stream.

Hey OP, what's the music of this video?

No idea... but it makes me want to hack the gibson!

Did you try Shazzam?

Hey, what's the music of the video? I like it!

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