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Ask HN: New attempt at mobile markup – keep or bail?
497 points by dang on Nov 2, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 287 comments
We just deployed a new attempt to make HN work better on mobile. Should we keep it? Feedback, please.

This looks (and more importantly, works) much better than before.

For those not on mobile, here is what the new layout looks like on an iPhone 6s on iOS 9.0.1. ==> http://imgur.com/5LgB1xB.jpg

Here is what the comment page looks like ==> http://i.imgur.com/ugOASR5.png

This is the viewport bug when you try to enter a comment ==> http://i.imgur.com/i0Ekiod.png and http://i.imgur.com/T0NDIFc.png

It's an improvement, but the up/down-vote buttons are still way too small to hit comfortably.

That's true even on desktop.

But why does horizontal mode (my standard casual reading mode) look so blown out? ==> http://imgur.com/5Z6q6wI

(iOS 9, iPhone 5, Safari)

I use the same environment -- iPhone 5c, iOS 9 and Safari and have the exact same experience.

Personally, I'd like the old mobile display back!!

Edit - I noticed that the OP was logged out in the screenshot, so I tried it again. Here is an image of the screen when I am not logged in:


Here is the image of the screen when I am logged in:


The only difference between the two cases is that I was too lazy to log out, so I just pulled up the page in private mode.

I wish I had an iPhone 6 as I'd like to try this case with the OP's environment.

Looks like they need to use -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%

If they can fix this, then I'm all for the new layout!

I have the same problem in standard vertical mode on Android/Chrome. Please revert!


I'm changing my opinion to "revert until tested better". This is way too messy.

fwiw, as of right now wide view looks fine (full-width) in firefox on android.

I'm on Firefox Mobile right now on my tablet, a Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4. The full site looks perfectly good with the only exception that "click targets" are annoyingly small.

My suggestion is that each user should be able to set his desired text size / DPI resolution per device (tracked via cookies of course), so that I can have properly clickable comment links and upvote buttons and so on on my tablet, and keep everything as before from my laptop.

Significant improvement. Please don't bail.

I didn't even have to put my device in landscape mode and pinch to read this post title. WTG.

Viewport "bug" is a "feature" in iOS—change the textarea's font-size to 16px to override the auto-zoom.

This works very well:

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { select:focus, textarea:focus, input:focus { font-size: 16px; } }

It uses a css selector only available on iOS devices and enables a larger font to prevent zoom.

[Original concept] http://stackoverflow.com/a/16255670/209005

There are quite a few good code snippets and suggestions for improvements to the CSS here.

I only wish there was some collaborative environment we could use to request changes to the code be pulled in and utilized.

Agreed, big fan here (iPhone 6, iOS 9.1)

This is what I see in Chrome on iOS 9.0.2 / iPhone 6s: http://i.imgur.com/idgEFon.png

While I definitely support the larger format, I'd like to see the top bar laid out in a more mobile-friendly manner. Currently it feels like I've done Ctrl + Plus on the page a few too many times, rather than the site being properly optimised. Shrink the font by one notch and I'm reasonably happy. I realise that this is a work in progress though.

Great start though! My vote goes to 'Keep'.

Keep - but dang et. al. can you make the comments link target touch area slightly bigger somehow? It's way to easy to launch the article link when you're trying to tap the comments link.

"This is the viewport bug when you try to enter a comment."

This viewport bug appears when I just open the comment page.

Thank you for making this. My one suggestion would be to make the upvote/downvote arrows larger and farther apart. I'd say around 5% of my votes on mobile are incorrect. Often I'm lazy about zooming in to make sure I hit the correct arrow.

Actually, I'd like that change on larger devices as well. I've often misvoted on my Surface. As large touchscreens become more popular (iPad Pro, the Surface line, etc), I could see this becoming a problem for more users.

Edit: I see white margins on my iPhone 5, but not on my iPhone 6. It looks like you need to tweak the media query in the following css:

    @media only screen
    and (min-device-width : 375px)
    and (max-device-width : 667px) {
The iPhone 5's device width is 320px. Changing that 375 to something lower should fix the issue.

Agreed on the need for larger vote buttons.

What about placing the vote buttons on the left side of the ranking number?

There would be less of a chance to misclick and end up clicking the article link instead. You would also have the opportunity to make more room for the vote buttons since you can then afford to place the ranking number closer to the article title, since the ranking number is non-interactive.

Alternately, how about being able to undo a vote, like reddit?

I remember we discussed that. I think once-for-all votes were an attempt at social engineering to shape the site.

I'm really curious what it was trying to social-engineer. I've seen dozens of sites with vote buttons and all of them except HN allow you to change your vote, because why wouldn't you? It's easy to engineer and obviously superior.

"think thrice before using your votes". I remember this being also used as the justification for not having clearly separated up/down buttons.

I totally disagree with it, fwiw.

I personally think "having an interface that makes it nigh impossible to downvote when you meant to upvote" should be a prerequisite for the "think thrice before using your votes" goal...

Well at least they're doing something to address it now.

In any case, I still disagree with the lack of a reverse vote option, especially when upvoting also serves as an archival mechanism, and downvoting removes the opportunity to use that functionality permanently.

    > especially when upvoting also serves as an archival mechanism
Right - it's not even about _changing_ votes. Just an hour or so ago I accidentally upvoted the wrong submission (on mobile), so now that's stored in my "saved stories"; nothing I can do about it.

It makes some sense - In theory you wouldn't cast your vote prematurely (after reading the first sentence for example).

In theory, but in practice do they have some evidence that people care more when they can't undo their vote?

Also it's a little unfortunate that the up-vote button can be easily mistaken for a link-to-parent button. I've lost count of the number of comments I've up-voted when actually I just wanted to know who they were replying to.

It's a bit reminiscent of the purported ancient Rome thumbs-down (or thumbs-up).

I'm not against that, but I bet it would require a lot more work than a styling change.

I've heard via email that this is in the cards.

I'm curious why there needs to be a lower bound at all

Please please keep it. It's not perfect (comment text still small, buttons & links are small, etc), but it's much better than before.

There are surely hundreds of web designers who'd be more than happy to submit their proposals for fixing the mobile markup for free. It's disappointing to see that the website that I spend the most time on on my phone still didn't have a mobile markup till today. Thank you for doing this. Now, please let's move forward, not backward.

This 1000x. As a frontend dev I'd be happy to volunteer to invest the time to make sure this works on the current range of viewports.

HN could get a full redesign (with mobile) by opening up to submissions. I would bet plenty of designers would love to get a shot at getting recognition for revamping this site.

Awesome! Yes, keep it, and please press on. Here's some feedback:

- The tap targets for the menu at the top (new, threads, etc) is too small. You can make it bigger, and put the more little-used items into a "more" button.

- The tap target to get to the comments and flagging are way too small. Flagging isn't common, so that could be more hidden. Comments could be a right arrow button to the right of the title link. Comments are really important in HN, so it should be easy to get to.

- Upvote target is way too small.

- Body text for comments are too small.

In essence, I recommend restarting from scratch with a new template for mobile. Just making some css tweaks is a good first step, but maintaining a separate template that optimizes for mobile will be worth it.

These are good suggestions, and probably easy things to tweak.


It's not a huge improvement, but it's slightly better.

I'd actually sent HN a long review of mobile experience on a 10" tablet acouple of days ago and received a response from dang earlier tonight tipping me off to this. I'm not sure I'd have noticed without that.

In vertical orientation, viewport width is better, and an annoying glitch where font size changed apparently randomly on some nested comments is gone.

Overall UI/UX of links and controlls needs improvement. Especially voting arrows. I'm told an undo is in the works.

My view is that HN's basic page layout needs a full revamp at least internally, to give better styling control via CSS. This doesn't mean huge theme changes, though that's also possible.

Building the page around a sane line length would be a really good start.

What issues are the result of braindead mobile browsers (lack of ctrl-+ font zoom, click registration errors, left/right click distinction, click vs select, etc.) I don't know, though I suspect that's part of it.

Revisiting this in landscape mode: the main body text is too small and too wide.

Again: for virtually all content, max width of ~35-45em, with a slight margin (I really don't like text flush with screen edge except on the very narrowest of displays, 1-4em margin responsive across a set of displays from >30em to ~70 would be about right).

Zoomable font size holding page to fit within viewport would be a big gain.

Screenshot: https://m.imgur.com/5rCdRdI

Mind that's a 10" display. Fonts are small for my eyes. Context-zooming on main content helps somewhat, but only marginally.

The design looks actually worse on Windows Phone[1,2]. The text is (or feels) a bit smaller now on portrait mode, so I'd have to switch to landscape. And the top menu is out of alignment. (Edit: The text is definitely smaller. I think it used to reflow nicely with bigger text but now it doesn't, forcing me to zoom out all the way)

Since we are talking about mobile, I'd focus on improving the arrows - I've downvoted way too many comments due to that.

[1] http://i.imgur.com/akAyUxP.jpg [2] http://i.imgur.com/NWVSHMW.jpg

> The design looks actually worse on Windows Phone[1]

Looks almost identical on WP 10 (Edge).

> I've downvoted way too many comments due to that.

I don't vote on my phone due to this.

I agree strongly (on WP8.1). However, the change clearly improves things for people on some other mobile platforms, so can we have a user preference for whether we're served the desktop or mobile version when a mobile UA is received?

At least you get some margins on the home page. Looks a mess on my device. Also, when I tap through to comments, half the page falls off the right of the screen until I double-tap the screen.

It's an improvement, keep pressing on.

One thing I'd do is find a way to minimize the detail line below the headline. It doesn't need to be as large - it tends to wrap into a second line (at least on my iOS 9.1 iPhone 5s).

The detail line also doesn't need to be as verbose, IMO...


    200 points by foobar 8 hours ago | flag | 192 comments
could be simplified to

    200 pts by foobar 8h ago | flag | 192c

Although I would recommend keeping the "192 comments" link at least as large as it currently is. That's probably the 2nd-most tapped-on link (after the link to the source itself), and it's fairly difficult to aim correctly on mobile. Making it even smaller will make it harder to tap.


Off-topic, but I really wouldn't be surprised if it was clicked more often than the link to the source.

I always go to comments before clicking on the article link. While I'm reading, post can go away from current HN page and it is hard to locate it again.

Ps. iPhone4 is not compatible with new layout at all.

Seconded. The up-vote arrow is also in need of larger scaling, so it's easier to click.

Very informative link. Thank you for sharing it. I didn't know HCI was such a huge field.

Good point. So let's talk about that upvote arrow next... =)

Or something like this (c is a bit ambiguous for me)

    200 pt, foobar (8h) | flag | 192 cmts

If the clickable area is what counts, how about this?

    +200 by foobar | flag | comment (192 in 8h)

I definitely approve of this version, better visually too

The attempt to improve the mobile layout for this site seems to be underway but, like the previous aborted attempt, it doesn't seem to have started well.

In the images [1] and [2] below are the screenshots (taken on an iPhone 5 with the latest iOS) of HN homepage (where the changes seems to have been published) and article page (where it seems to be unchanged) to illustrate the problems:

1. There is a padding in the body (the white space around the content) that wastes precious screen real state.

2. The font size in relation to the screen width was increased without the proper adjustments in the layout. That caused:

a. The top links to become cluttered and disorganized

b. Both the top and bottom links to span multiple lines without the proper spacing between then, making it easier to click the wrong link

c. The article links and other information to reach the end of the line more often and, associated with the lack of right padding in that area, makes it touch and sometimes spill over the right margin over the white background.

It is very important to have a better layout for mobile devices on HN specially because it is very hard to interact with the site (upvote, click articles or submit) but IMO it should be properly designed, implemented and tested in multiple devices and OS before deployment.

This last point is the most important of all. It is very tempting to implement responsive design via media queries and to neglect tests in the bottom and top range causing screens too wide or too narrow to fail.

Apologies for the long and public post. Hope it helps

[1] http://imgur.com/4uPlzPB

[2] http://imgur.com/18mp2TH

Absolutely - while it would be very nice to have an improved mobile experience for the default site as it currently stands this seems quite a bit worse than many of the currently available HN-Reader Apps.

Keep it. But on Chrome for Android, even on a 1080p display, 31% of the screen width is wasted! http://imgur.com/MNVnanN Wasted screen space is my #1 pet peeve on mobile.

I am not seeing that problem on my device. What version of Chrome are you using?

Chrome 46.0.2490.76 on Galaxy S4.

Yep. Seeing the same thing on a Nexus 5 using Chrome.

Same on galaxys s5. Ugly wasted margins.

Keep, but as others suggested it can still be tweaked a bit.

I'm on android chrome and below is what I'm seeing, it would be great to remove the white space on the sides like others have shown it is on the iphone...


I'm seeing the same white bars on Firefox/Android, but only in portrait. Landscape is fine.

Agree, I'm getting the same thing on an Iphone 5s. But much better than before!

Same here. On Android, OnePlus + Chrome

Just adopt https://cheeaun.github.io/hackerweb/ it does wonders on phone/tablet form factors. This design will not easily accomodate slightly larger displays such as tablets very well. This screenshot someone posted points out a lot of CSS problems regarding font size and the navigation layout: http://i.imgur.com/idgEFon.png

I agree. I haven't used anything but this on mobile since the day I found it. The comments links are much easier touch targets, and built in back and forth navigation. 10x easier to read. (Not that I don't appreciate the work the HN guys are doing!)

Your screenshot has a different username. Thought I'd let you know.

It is the image from this comment https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10489733 .

I think it was posted by the user elsewhere in this thread. :)

Next up: Comment thread folding.

It's the one feature that keeps me from switching from https://cheeaun.github.io/hackerweb/ on mobile, or uninstalling the Hacker News Enhancement Suite in Chrome.

Agreed. This is the straw that nudged me back to Chrome after experimenting with Firefox for a month or so. I just couldn't bear doing without comment thread folding.

Don't bail. But here are my suggestions.

Make the "post" page more mobile friendly. Currently I need to scroll a lot to read the content. When I mean post page, I mean the page that comes up when you click on a post.

May be add a very teeny little margin. Again I know HN is more towards KISS, so you can ignore me here.

Apart from that, the rest works great on iPhone6. Good job.

Huge improvement (iPhone 6s).

Now that you're returning to different results for mobile vs not: how about Upvote on the left (where it is) and downvote on the right of "hours ago"? I don't want the buttons bigger (and I suspect others don't either) but I would prefer not to accidentally up/downvote incorrectly.

Please make easy url for mobile users who want the desktop version! Auto-detect without opt-out sucks.

I like the desktop version better than the new version (android/chrome). I like the tiny fonts for reading. Hitting tiny UI elements is hard, but zooming in then hitting is easy enough. The new big fonts + huge front page margins means much less content visible.

this++ to opt out of the mobile version. This should always be possible.

Tips for mobile developers:

Don't make it impossible to zoom.

Don't make it hard/impossible to get to the desktop version.

Don't make it hard/impossible to view in landscape (I am amazed at the "rotate your device" popups)

Don't make your popups impossible to dismiss on mobile (can't get to the X due to size/positioning)

Don't download megabytes of javascript to display a small amount of text content.

Do support "reader view" (in mobile Safari) or equivalent, so I can get a view that is simply readable AND accessible. Sorry that this overrides your hard work, but really I just want to be able to read your content. Your ads are fine, if they don't use all my bandwidth.

This should be a manifesto, a bit like "contrast rebellion"

I totally agree. I'd like to take advantage of the screen's DPI, if possible.

One thought... Use the full screen width on the main screen. On chrome android there are large left/right margins... 20% of the screen space is wasted.

Same here, with Firefox for Android. Left and right margins are not necessary. Also, please let all text wrap and let users zoom in and out the way they want.

The main difference I notice is that I can no longer double-tap to zoom on the main page. I can learn to get used to pinch zooming, but it will be more difficult to use HN with one hand on my large phone.

I have to zoom because otherwise it's impossible to click the correct links.

It's a good step! I have suggestions to clean it up:

1- You should add a margin on the left and right side so that the content doesn't bleed to the edge of the screen. (10px would keep it aligned with the input bar on iOS Safari).

2- The floating login link looks weird, I would just add it along the rest of the links below "Hacker News". To keep it tight, only show the Submit link if the user is logged in.

3- Add margin to the logo and make it bigger. Also, the entire orange bar could be made more spacious.

I see the same thing on Android Firefox but you can pinch to zoom out and it ends up still being readable.

Much better here (android). Some things:

1. Possibly too much whitespace left/right of content.

2. Are the rank numbers necessary, or could they be moved to the meta-detail?

3. Bigger upvote and comment targets would be nice.

Moving rank to the meta-detail line (alongside the point-count) could work very well.

Definitely a step in the right direction, but very difficult to read. The font is far too small and all links are similarly too small to allow easy tapping.

This comment form could also use work. It doesn't fit the width of the screen, so I have to pinch/scroll to see what I've written then maneuver back to type. Nor does it auto expand or allow manual resizing. Just trying to scroll risks pull-to-refresh in Chrome for iOS or some embedded WebKit browsers.

I'd also say the navigation could be addressed. The first comment about sizing is a start, but the separate site and account navigation lists don't have enough space now, let alone once you up the font. Some sort of collapsing/hidden/drop down menu might need to be considered if you intend to keep 8 independent links with sufficient padding for accurate tapping.

A good start, but still not there IMO.

I hope I'm not too harsh, but a straightforward no will be my answer. It's a work in progress, but atleast on an iPhone 5, it seems to be worse than the desktop version of it. It does save me a pinch or two, but at the end it doesn't look user friendly and the upvote/down vote button are still the same. And commenting doesn't seem mobile friendly to me. So essentially the only 2 things a user should be doing on HN: comments and votes haven't improved.

There is a web app, namely HackerWeb, which even though lacks enough functionality but looks more humane and real. Try that out; and if not copy it, atleast take hints to improve your version of the site.

One more thing, why don't you guys come up with an online open contest, and let the community hack a newer version? That'll be fun, and make your lives a little easier as well.

The margins are a bit too big (Chrome, Galaxy S6) http://i.imgur.com/MYTVihG.jpg

I get similar margins on an iPhone 4s running iOS 7. It's quite a bit of wasted space - maybe 15-20% of total screen width.

Other than that, it's a big improvement.

Just opened the page on my phone and immediately wondered why the text was so readable without having to zoom in. Then saw the empty space around the page was gone, and then read the top post and it all made sense. This was a very pleasant surprise. I'd really like if you kept it, big improvement.

The left and right hand side margins are too large. Any chance you can use padding instead of a margin so there isn't a white border around the whole page?

Agree with reducing left/right margins by half, looks a bit squashed on HTC one. Overall much better than before.

Much better, but I will still use this web app http://cheeaun.github.io/hackerweb/

Don't bail, but maybe redesign the whole page, and get rid of the tables in the markup?

Definitely a good start... Far easier to use already. Comments screen seems too wide... Scrolling left and right but yes... Great start.

Here's how it looks on iPhone4 - http://i.imgur.com/olj9ocC.png - lots of wasted space and a messy header.

For the header, I'd consider splitting it into two lines, like this - http://i.imgur.com/7EAROA8.png. That is, keep top line for user-specific items, and put the rest in the bottom line. This also means moving "submit" to the top and hiding it when a user is not logged in.

Keep it. The text flows nicely now -- that was my biggest problem with the previous mobile UI.

can we make the up/down vote buttons for comments bigger or at least in different places? It's impossible to hit correctly unless you zoom in.

I actually think it's much harder to read in portrait mode since the titles have all different lengths. It's okay in landscape though.


I think it is an improvement and was actually coming to Ask HN to ask if anyone else was seeing this. I'm glad I saw your post first.

Sorry to beat you to the punch, but I learned my lesson the last time we tried something like this.

It's definitely better than the previous version. But, honestly, I already gave up on browsing Hacker News on mobile. Instead, I just use a dedicated MiniHack App.

I think it would be cool to open up API even more and let community create amazing apps for you. Maybe create a contest for people to develop native apps? Perhaps, a winner could get an interview to get into YC or YCF.

I'm not a fan as I can't see as much on the homepage as I could before. I know the font was small but it didn't bother me.

Now it feels kind of crowded, lots of wrapped text.

Seems I'm in the minority though. Agree that the up/down arrows are still quite small, but I'm not sure how you could fix that, you don't have much room to work in.

iOS 9.1 on iPhone 6.

Keep please and thank you for working on this!

This is much more readable on Android/Chrome Moto G, will try more later.

I'm finding the font size is too small on mobile - generally you want to go a little bigger on mobile.

Finally! please don't bail. But the homepage in iPhone5S (and maybe all iPhone4.7 inch) doesn't take full width as in iPhone6. Here is a screenshot ==> http://i.imgur.com/bMcUcjU.png

* Bail. Only six stories are visible at a time.

* Please add a way to turn it off, showdead-style. I miss the old style.

On desktop Firefox, the page width seems to have a minimum of 500-550px, so it looks like there is something broken since phones are 320px minimum.

Also below 375px it seems to revert to the desktop layout (?!?).

So the graphical design is fine, but the CSS implementation could use some major improvements.

On iPhone5S the comments are so much better (don't have to zoom) but the front page is harder to read. I suggest less padding on the side and a smaller font for the titles.

I'd say it's better than before (don't have to zoom in) just a little tweek and will be perfect.

This is a vast improvement in every way, IMHO. Maybe tweak it, but don't go back, please!

I'm a fan. There are definitely some problems (like bad margins and such) but it's better than viewing the site with the desktop styling, which incidentally is a bar that many major sites fail to clear with their own mobile styling!

It's better than the previous layout, however reading comments still requires horizontal scrolling on both Firefox and Opera on a Nexus 4 running Android Lollipop. If you could wrap comments to the right margin it would be perfect.

Agreed. I've abandoned so many sites which are extremely badly designed. Most common reason for this is lack of text wrapping. Nobody wants to use such sites.

Looks much better on iphone 6. No longer have to zoom to read. But some of the UI buttons are still too small (comments, etc.)

Also, I don't think the numbers on the left add much value and may be better replaced with bigger up vote button.

We desperately need a mobile version of HN. I know I use it on mobile almost exclusively.

But this is terrible, I'm sorry. As others have said, there have been dozens of great HN mobile versions done by the community. Why not endorse one?

It would be helpful to have '{n} comments' closer to the left under thr headline in a consistent location so one's left thumb can more easily reach that. Other than that this looks like an improvement.

I prefer the new index page, better for fat finger syndrome, but also prefer the old comments page. The new comments page is too wide on windows phone, making the text too small when i double-tap to fit the width.

Please give me a way to switch this off.

I appreciate what you're doing, and it seems an improvement for use on a small screen - but on an iphone 6+ it is much worse. Everything was a great balance before (and the comment pages are still readable), but now the front page is terrible.

The giant font causes titles to span multiple lines and breaks the flow of each item. It is much harder to read than before. Also it was one of the few sites that used a natural size font on the 6+ display...

Any chance we could get something like ?fontsize=14 on the end of the url for such specific tweaking?

It's much better than before, but still doesn't feel good on my mobile devices (Jolla, 540x960 and (Lumia 920, 768x1280).

I don't like how comments are displayed, why is there no auto word-wrap?

This is a big step in the right direction. Could use a bit of work but it's good enough that it will probably replace my hn app which has never gotten commenting or voting quite right.

In the login page can you add autofocus on the username please?

Put the CSS on github with a set of static pages demonstrating the article/comment page and the main list page.

Review the pull requests.

You'll have a fantastic mobile layout in a day or two.

Much better, but not great on iPhone 5c: http://i.imgur.com/beYBY5f.jpg

Given a choice between this and the old non-mobile-optimized site, I'd take the latter. Everything is too squished on smaller iPhones.

Really? It looks kind of bad, but is more functional methinks.

I'm on an iPhone 5s. It looks the same as your screenshot, and I am not a fan at all. When it first loaded I assumed something was buggy with the browser or the css. I would like the option to go back to the old version.

A step in the right direction, but still not a good experience. Writing this comment is pretty hard as well because input text takes on 200% of the screen.

I'm apparently a week late, but great googly moogly - KEEP! PLEASE! It's not perfect (on Android, the nesting is non-existent and the +1 arrows are a little small), but it is head and shoulders above what it used to be. I can read a comment thread in portrait mode without having to squint, zoom, pinch, or rotate my device, which was my biggest peeve about using this site on mobile.

Please keep it but like everyone else has said, there's still a lot to be done.

Even better, why not just ask for community help? There are already a few skins/viewer sites already that do this just fine that you can takeover or just ask for some volunteers.

This site is very very simple and would take just a few hours or perhaps a weekend of time to get a nice new layout. Why not be efficient and end up with a better product?

I still like http://hckrnews.com/ better. Maybe you could cooperate?

Yes. On Android it's comparable to how well the old markup worked with Windows Phone 7, which made me wonder why people were complaining.

I typically dread mobile designs but this is OK. My only wish is the article title text is smaller or an option for smaller font sizes.

Slight improvement over zooming in manually... but my main issue is with the voting buttons and that seems to have remained unchanged.

Add margin on the top to the YC logo, and add some margin on the bottom. And also some padding to the numbers for each story, it looks a bit awkward when they touch the screen.

Would like the comments button a bit bigger, and inside the comments to have a max-width set so that I don't have to scroll left and right.

Overall pretty nice, no more need to zoom in every time I open HN.

Keep. It at least now saves me a zoom pinch. :)

This is great, but I still have trouble with the small font size. Adding A+ / a- buttons would be a nice addition, even though there is a workaround.

It's got to be possible to override zoom (pinch out gesture) and have it only change the font size, so there's no text clipping. The buttons would be much simpler and easy to control though.

New markup is better, however it would be good if "request desktop site" button on adroid worked for extreme cases.

And iOS. I often use this feature.

Maybe just me, but it seems to have a lack of padding around the edges. Also the comment input isn't mobile optimized.

What do you mean by the comment input? Some pages are still rendering the old way; it may be that that's one of them.

If we're going to keep these changes we'll upgrade the remaining pages soon.

With mobile safari, activating the comment box zooms in slightly, such that it no longer fits in one page width.

It would be nice if the mobile experience (or both) would use a simple javascript confirmation box when hitting "flag". Flagging seems like it should be an exceptional action and it simple to just hit "ok" as a confirmation step rather than trying to find what you accidentally flagged on the page to unflag.

We're probably going to extend 'flag' to give people a better way to report dupes, and that will require a confirmation, so yes. In the meantime, there's an unflag link, so misflags are undoable.

Using Android, Note II. I see some whitespace on the left/right side of the main page. Also, clicking to read a comment thread or adding a comment still requires me to slide around left and right. Think it's probably just the Note 2 though, iOS looks ok.

But, yeah I'd keep it for sure. Definitely an improvement

An scroll to top element, usually a fixed floating arrow in other sites, will be nice on discussion page. I've found myself scrolling a lot to see first comments and post details on this very page. As an extra arrow is not a good use of screen space, only showing it on scroll up might be a better idea.

One of the number one ways websites piss me off is the stupid "you're on mobile have a mobile layout no you can't have desktop mode" mentality. I outright won't buy from e-stores that do it. And now HN is doing it. I would expect you to know better...

Keep. First time I've been able to read the front page in portrait. Personally I'd like larger font for comments and maybe the comment width nipped in a bit as I end up zooming and scrolling which is bad for flow, but that's a trade off and I'm an a11y edge case.

it's a big improvement, but I think text is a tad too small, as are the upvote/downvote buttons

Much better than the last attempt at mobile, and much better than no mobile styles at all. Please keep!

Definitely an improvement over what came before!

Curious why it doesn't work when I shrink my desktop browser window though -- is it actually a separate "mobile version" that is only served to certain devices (instead of just having some breakpoints at narrower widths)?

Pretty bad on iPhone5/iOS9.1, lot of useless margin. But at least it's readable. Keep it.

This looks great on my phone; please keep it. The text sizes are awfully small but still really clear and the layout seems to work well.

One caveat is the text entry box for entering a comment is a fair amount wider than the screen in either orientation. I hope this can be fixed.

Default view of comments page seems to be too zoomed in?


Firefox on Android running on a Nexus 5

But once you zoom out it seems fine. And it's much more usable than the old view.

Definitely a good start. Like a couple other people have said, the tap targets could generally be bigger and more spread out, but otherwise, it's a lot more readable.

Also worth stressing: so far it looks better than the status quo everywhere it's different.

Bail, or keep but fix text size / wrapping in nav header

iphone6 / ios9 / chrome

issues in nav header:

(1) "submit" link wraps so it's under "new", shld be same line as "ask | jobs | "

(2) username (karma) | logout has similar issue; "logout" wraps

Doesn't hurt, at the least.

I never understood why everything was built using old table html. I see the difference now is that you are td's with more reservation. I would simply switch everything over to div tags. Custom css works better this way.

Looks very good compared to the previous state. Keep it! The header menus wrap (http://imgur.com/0V9vrZq) but it is a minor thing.

This is a great first attempt but it's a little difficult to read the text

I like it. If the majority end up disliking it and the look is reverted, please consider adding a confirmation step or ability to hide the flag button on mobile. That's my most common fat finger error on HN.

The comment page doesn't scale well with Firefox on my hm note 1s. I have to manually zoom out to get the full view.

That aside, the homepage looks good. I'd like the new look be kept, with the comment page rewritten.

On iOS9, iPhone6: The comment box and comments overflow which require horizontal scrolling or zooming out. It worked better before simply because zooming in (double tap) is easier than zooming out (pinch).


Suggestion: Increase the width of the index table and remove the body margins. The table with the id `hnmain` should have it's width changed from 75% to 100%, and this CSS should be added: `body { margin: 0; };`

Much better, Please keep it.

KEEP!! This looks so much better on my note 4. No more zooming in and out.

It is SO GREAT to be able to read things without zooming or scrolling!!! I'm so excited!!!

It needs minor tweaks to make it uniformly readable across arbitary screen sizes, but in general this just made my day!

Better. But still bad. Lots of wasted space and no line break. Android, FF: http://i.imgur.com/JublCrT.png

For me it's just the A:tag that is slightly bigger. I have to do slightly more scrolling now, but that is acceptable.

I still have to zoom in to up-vote or click on comments though, but that do not bother me.

Keep. This is way better than before. No need to zoom in like crazy now.

It's great to see an attempt at mobile responsive design. This looks like a good step in the right direction. Here's hoping for even more work to make the site work on mobile.

It looks nice and easier to read, but I signed up to this site a few days ago because of the bad/lack of css. I don't mind having to zoom in manually as I do on reddit too.

This is indeed an improvement, but I'm only seeing real improvement on the home page, the comment page overflows to the right instead of everything on screen on my HTC One m7

Cool, but please reduce margins to save precious horizontal space!

Oh? I was thinking the opposite, that things look super jarring being flush against the borders.

EDIT: Ah. It's a different story on iPhone 6s Plus than say, 5s.

Presuming this is not the end; it's a great start! I consume 90% of my HN content on mobile. I like the list view a lot more. I think commenting should be worked on next.

Much better than before. I'm on Chrome on a Nexus 6.

The screen is zoomed in slightly by default, however, but a quick pinch to zoom out makes it all fit well on the screen at a good size.

Much better, keep going

It looks ok in firefox and chrome on the nexus 5x. Comments clip off the screen when you click into a comment section. When you zoom out, they're harder to read.

"Comments clip off the screen when you click into a comment section. When you zoom out, they're harder to read"

Yes, this is frustrating.

Doesn't work well on Iphone 5s landscape. I usually checkout HN once a day on my phone. I find most sites that try to cater to phones degrade my experience...

It feels so small on my tablet now. http://i.imgur.com/WG1ERvyh.jpg

Writing this on an iPhone. It's a good start. Two things that should definitely be bigger are the voting arrows and the "comments" links.

Out of interest why go min and max device width? Why not just kick in the improved readability at max-width: 667px (or other more appropriate dimension).

Thank you. Thank you!

Much, much better -- please do keep! In fact, I just deleted the old iOS app I was using for it and just saved the webpage to my homescreen instead.

Improvement over the last one. The large voting arrows are good. Too much wasted white space on the sides of the screen on the iPhone 5/5s.

Ignore the nitpicking, this is a dramatic improvement.

Keep it, please and thank you! [Android/Chrome]

Please increase the size of the vote buttons on mobile or place the up- and down-vote buttons not next to each other. (written on iPad)

Definitely keep it! As others have pointed out, it's not perfect, but definitely an improvement over the non-responsive version.

It's still just about as hard to read a comments thread on a mobile device. However the main page does look a bit more readable.

Keep. Much better than before. However, text in comments is still to small (maybe enlarge text and decrease indentation for replies)

Keep - old Nexus 4

I wholeheartedly approve. It's not perfect, so I hope you do some good A/B testing to evolve layout. Pick a good metric.

I must be missing something. It looks the same. You didn't just assume "mobile" meant "iPhone" did you?

Keep. Add a bit of margins, slim down metadata and make links bigger / easier to hit. I like the improvement though.

Keep. I would add another couple pixels of padding to the left and right of the site though when on the newsfeed page.

Keep - iPhone 6s

The three hardest problems in computer science are (1) cache-invalidation, (2) naming things, (3) HN mobile markup.

and of course (4) off-by-1 errors

It is near perfect in landscape on chrome for android. Portrait needs some tweeking; especially the comments page.

To invoke the late Chris Farley for the love of God why can't the comment text be larger? (iPad iOS 9.1)

I like it. Just noticed it this morning.

Keep! And increase all font sizes to at least 1em. And give this comments page the same treatment, please.

Keep - much more scannable at a glance.

I love the new main page. However thr comments are still to small to comfortably read without zooming.

Keep. I have a iPhone 5S and with the original markup, I'm unable to read the site in portrait.

The header bar now wraps to multiple lines when in portrait orientation on my iPad Air 2. Not a fan.

All the comments pages load too far zoomed in for me (iPhone 5c w/ iOS 8). Otherwise looks good!

Happy with the improvements! Can you increase the text size so you can click on the discussion links?

I prefer the desktop but if you keep the mobile (since it's not terrible) please smaller fonts.

This is great -- much appreciated. Works well on an iPhone 6S in Chrome and Safari (same engine).

iOS User - I'm not a fan, don't like the text stacking and I like the regular interface.

Keep! Now just enlarge the text size so we don't have to zoom on desktop to be able to read.

Keep. But make voting arrows bigger.

I like a lot. Bigger upvote/downvote buttons are my main request. Thank you for doing this.

Keep -- and keep improving. Thanks!

I'm using app.hackerwebapp.com for browsing HN from mobile - easy to use on mobile.

But anyways keep.

The home page is nice but the internal pages like this one still dont work for my phone.

Much better, I don't have to keep zooming in and this fits my screen a lot better.

On my S5 I get a margin. IMHO it's not necessary (or should be smaller at least).

It's an improvement for sure, but cheeaun.github.io/hackerweb is way better.

Keep it. Looks great, true to the original, and now readable on my constant companion.

I now don't have to zoom, still sub-par can't we have a official native app?

I think an official app, while nice would be a lot of work and would use a lot of manpower HN does not seem to have much of.

there are currently many third party apps.

Keep it. It's better than before, and makes it easier to read. iphone 6, iOS 9.1

iPhone 6 Plus. Definitely keep.

Keep. Looks much better than before using Firefox on my cheap 5" Android phone

Definitely better on my phone.

Easier to read by far, but requires some side scrolling for most comments.

Please keep.

Huge improvement, thanks Dan!

With all due respect, but did somebody even check the comments page once?

Looks decent on my Nexus 6.

Keep. No zoom needed. Great


Looks much better on WP ;)

Looks good, although the voting buttons could do to be larger. Keep.

Yes please! Much better.

Much nicer - keep at it!

Not bad, please add mobile view to the login page as well :-)

We will.

Keep going keep going!

Looks pretty good to me, using Android on a Galaxy Note 4.

Keep it, definitely an improvement (and a nice surprise!)

A step in the right direction but still meeds more done.

it would be nice to have a button to use desktop version at top or bottom.. on iOS it's nice but I also like seeing more headlines at one time

Definitely keep, makes use on mobile much easier.

Potrait and landscape have white bars on the S6

Works well. Keep.

Much better on the iPhone 6. Don't bail.

Better than before. Keep. But continue work.

Not perfect, but definitely an improvement.

iOS user-- I prefer the old version. I also hate not being able to pinch and zoom to adjust what I'm viewing.

may I ask what triggers mobile-specific behaviors? - screen size? - user agent? - O/S? - browser ID?

it's better! half way to good imo.

Looks fine on BBOS10 default browser

Keep it and move forward improving.

Keep, please.

keep it! much better, than before.

great update. Keep improving this!

It's an improvement, so yes.

Please keep


Keep it, please!





Keep it!

Firstly, thanks so much for starting to work on this!

Let me suggest a few things:

* I'm confused as to why you're using tables for layout? Might want to consider something more modern, and use tables just for tabular data, and use divs, classes, and CSS for handling the layout: http://learnlayout.com/ You can get a lot done without using tables and <center> tags, etc.

* The width on your table is 85%, why not 100%? Let that bad boy go to the edge of the viewport, on mobile every pixel counts.

* I'd suggest adding this to your 'body' css, make that content go to the edge of the viewport:

margin: 0; padding: 0;

* I see a lot in inline styles in your table, you might want to consider taking those out, and just throwing them into your CSS stylesheet. Those are the most specific, and override everything. Maintaining that will be hard, and painful. Unless you have some historic, or those are dynamically entered for good reason by your CMS, I'd take them out.

* <tr class="spacer" style="height:5px"></tr> Things like this could be better improved by removing, and just adding padding to the element you really wanted to add some breathing room around

* <span class="score" id="score_10487419">318 points</span> Perhaps this is a personal preference but I prefer classes over ids in CSS. Classes are more easily overridden, and have less headaches than ids on large websites http://csswizardry.com/2011/09/when-using-ids-can-be-a-pain-...

* <span class="deadmark"></span> Reason for these? Looking at it, I'm not sure what value it might provide. If it's something that isn't pertinent to that item on the page, I'd consider not rendering it, as there is nothing in it, and you, as a general rule shouldn't use spans or divs to solely help you lay things out on the page

* <td colspan="2"></td> As I see you have these there, since you're laying out with a table, I'd encourage you to not do that. Tables are markup heavy, and you'd find you could bring your page weight down if you did not use tables for layout. See http://www.stevesouders.com/blog/2013/05/09/how-fast-are-we-...

Specifically for mobile:

* Responsive Design: https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/design-and-ui...

* Touch Targets: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2012/02/finger-friendly-desi...

I hope some of those tips are helpful. Keep going! Keep learning!


whatever it is, it will def. be better than the old HN on mobile.


keep it looks better than before


Keep it!

it's not working at all on my rotary phone.

The previous version was just a desktop browser page crammed on a tiny screen. This one, you can at least read. After years and years, HN finally found out about responsive web design.

It's awful. I thought HN just didn't care. Why is this so hard? I do this every day for work and HN should be dead simple. Is this saying HN doesn't have anyone who knows how to do this?

EDIT: My initial post was from my phone. Now I'm on my workstation and I see the markup here is antiquated, pre-1998 HTML. No wonder this is so horrid. You should be ashamed but, still, I could do better.

Let's see your re-design.


Your approach is what they were downvoting.

Using the words, 'cowardly' to describe other people you don't know, and saying 'I'm better than you', to people you don't know, and saying 'my grandmother could write better markup', to a group of people you don't know, probably just made them classify you as a 'troll'.

I saw the markup, and saw they needed guidance (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10489954), you saw the markup and decided they weren't worth helping. That's sad really. No one is an expert in everything.

Try helping out, rather than lambasting.

I was just reading a great book entitled 'Debugging Teams - Better Productivity Through Collaboration' (http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920042372.do). Here's a great excerpt:

"In order to reach collaborative nirvana, you first need to learn and embrace what we call the “three pillars” of social skills. These three principles aren’t just about greasing the wheels of relationships; they’re the foundation on which all healthy interaction and collaboration are based.


You are not the center of the universe. You’re neither omniscient nor infallible. You’re open to self-improvement.


You genuinely care about others you work with. You treat them as human beings, and appreciate their abilities and accomplishments.


You believe others are competent and will do the right thing, and you’re OK with letting them drive when appropriate."

Think about those three things.

They are down voting your attitude. Try rephrasing it in a nicer way instead of being rude to people.

Keep, nexus 5.

Dang btw:

- https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/device-mode

- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Valence / https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Responsive_De...

You probably answered this elsewhere, but I can't find it. What has kept you from using a CSS framework?

It's great but needs qa badly.

Yes please keep it! It was so hard to read before on mobile.

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