Some people might take issue with this, but as far as resources/classes/research groups in academia/textbooks go, AI != machine learning. And neural networks are a subset of machine learning.
The AIMA book is the best introduction to AI, but only to traditional AI, which consists mostly of planning/search/inference algorithms (brute force algorithms, albeit clever brute force algorithms). It is not a book on machine learning, even if it talks a bit about machine learning.
The Deep Learning book that people mention is not an introductory book on the subject of neural networks or machine learning.
Your best bet is Andrew Ng's Coursera course as an introduction to ML and neural nets.
Some people might take issue with this, but as far as resources/classes/research groups in academia/textbooks go, AI != machine learning. And neural networks are a subset of machine learning.
The AIMA book is the best introduction to AI, but only to traditional AI, which consists mostly of planning/search/inference algorithms (brute force algorithms, albeit clever brute force algorithms). It is not a book on machine learning, even if it talks a bit about machine learning.
The Deep Learning book that people mention is not an introductory book on the subject of neural networks or machine learning.
Your best bet is Andrew Ng's Coursera course as an introduction to ML and neural nets.