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Understanding Sleep Paralysis: A Terrifying but Unique State of Consciousness (iflscience.com)
1 point by amelius on Oct 13, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

I've had something that might be classified as sleep paralysis. It's horrible, but in my case it is easily explained. The cat slept on my bed. I would try to roll over in the night, but be unable to because the cat was on top of the blanket in the wrong direction. (And, because I was asleep, I wasn't moving forcefully enough to make her move.) But when I kept trying, the cat would eventually move, or I would wake up enough to put some force into my efforts.

Once the cat died, I quit having that experience. The new cat isn't allowed in the bedroom at night (nor much during the day).

Note: I am not claiming that this is the source of other sleep paralysis experiences.

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