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From Ember to Rails (dmathieu.com)
8 points by dmathieu on Oct 13, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

What matters in the end is not the technology we use though. It’s how we can resolve our customer’s problems and evolve as those problems evolve too.

Thank you for saying that and posting this article. I've recently started a company in the past few months that is already enjoying good MRR. I didn't use the latest and greatest Node, GraphQL, Falcor, Reacted, Ember, Anularagar 2.5, ES2045, ES7, Phoenix, Double Scale SPA CLR NOSQL. I used the freaking vanilla Rails stack.

I'm enjoying 100ms or less response times on a $40 a month digital ocean box. I am using Turbolinks 3 partial replacement though. In the end the customer doesn't give a shit. They just want it to get their job done and for the app to not be slow.

What mattered was I was able to get the app done quickly instead of spending 10 years over engineering something that could have failed(and still can) in the first few months.

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