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> to be undeservedly condescending ... is not lovely.

It seems like you have just diagnosed someone's behavior without them asking for a diagnosis and your diagnosis is that they are being condescending. See the problem there?

And this followed what some might call undeserved condescension: "Pulling out my hair in frustration from trying to deal with Perl written by other people saved me all manner of haircut money in the 90s.".

If you think I'm being undeservedly condescending, and this isn't lovely, perhaps we can find another way to talk about Perl 6?

You can torture my words rhetorically to score emotional points, but I don't know what you think you prove by it.

If you find my jocular expression of my very real experiences with Perl to be condescension, I'm going to have to let you know that I don't believe Perl to be all that worried about it, incapable as it is of having an emotional state.

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