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Ask HN: Monetization Ideas for my little project
2 points by johnsocs on Sept 25, 2015 | hide | past | favorite
Monetization Ideas for http://mailwebo.com

Okay, so by even posting this I feel like I have failed. I'm looking for some thought / ideas on how to monetize what I have today. I'd personally consider this project a success if it just paid for hosting on it's own.

I have several ideas on how to move forward, but perhaps I'm just looking for validation on those ideas.

I know there exists services like this today, but what services, features would you find beneficial and pay a small fee for.

Possible ideas:

* Callback webhook for when a message arrives with API

* Email Parsing API

* Being able to handle custom domains and providing an API to work with message for that domain

* Add simple advertising to the site ( meh.. not really interested in this idea.. )

* Close down the project.. it's not going anywhere, it was fun to tinker with?

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