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Sadly, there are also those lined up to take your job, after you 'blow the whistle'. And not even that far away - your old coworker, your intern, pretty much anybody that wants the job and rationalizes the evil into "the company is responsible, not me".

I refused, as a contractor, to create radio software that broadcast on a restricted band (ambulance). It was desirable in some markets where that band was repurposed as industrial use. Broadcasting allowed faster connections than monitoring the channel(s) until the base station was discovered.

I argued it was contrary to regulation. But "everybody else does it". I argued it was wrong to create interference on critical service channels. It fell on deaf ears.

Then I argued as a Contractor I'd be personally liable. They tried to cajole me into doing it anyway. I flatly refused. Begrudgingly they accepted my legal/financial argument. I was reassigned.

Another Engineer (employee) stepped up instantly and volunteered to make the change. In the same meeting. Without a moment's hesitation.

So, I'm not confident an appeal to our better natures will be effective here.

Interesting, and depressing. Thanks for sharing!

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