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Ask HN: I have a crazy idea. How do I approach VCs?
4 points by scsi_mode_sense on Sept 12, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I have a crazy idea for a product. Well, the product itself is more of an 'experience', if that makes any sense. Now, the product would need a HW component + embedded sw + mobile app + backend apps + IT infrastructure.

When I approach VCs, do I build prototypes for all these and then take it to them ? The product as a whole, would need all these components to deliver the experience. Which one do I build first? I mean, I could buy an RPi/ arduino and prototype the hw component, but it would be incomplete without the other parts. Or do I just have architectural diagrams(ie, how all the components work together) on the presentation?


how do you know people will buy what you want to make?

Honestly, I don't know. It's an experience. Some might like it, some might not. An idea to build this sparked up, when I needed something like this.

can you go into more detail about your "experience"?

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