I joined Facebook as an engineer straight out of college a little less than a year ago. During my time here I've constantly felt like I'm not working hard enough. I spend around 9 hours a day at the office, but not all of that time is spent working.
To get a better idea of how much time I actually work I started using the pomodoro technique a few weeks ago. I've noticed I do around 12 pomodoros (about 6 hours) of solid work before calling it a day. Usually by the end I'm mentally exhausted (is this normal?) and want to go home.
I'm really curious to know if six hours of work a day is normal. How much time do people spend actually working at the office? A lot of people at Facebook put in long hours, but I feel like that may be because they spend some time browsing reddit, reading hacker news, etc., rather than working.
So far after compiling feedback I've received from my manager and peers I'd say I'm performing above average but not exceptionally.
I hear about people working 60 hours a week and I wonder how they do it. Do you compromise on productivity? How do you stay focused for so long?
How many hours do you put in at the office? How many of those are spent doing productive work?