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A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography [pdf] (stanford.edu)
134 points by windhamdavid on Aug 25, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 23 comments

Dan Boney is awesome. I really like that he is sharing his classes and materials online (I would highly recommend his classes in Stanford[0] and his coursera class[2] as well). I think this is still a work in progress / draft so don't expect to have an ebook available yet.

[1] CS*55 series [2] https://www.coursera.org/course/crypto2

That's "Boneh", not "Boney." (It means "builder" in Hebrew.)

That was actually a typo, but thanks for the translation. And apologies...

That Coursera link should be https://www.coursera.org/course/crypto

The first course happens regularly, while "part 2" has been "2 months away" for at least a year now.

I signed up for that years ago, after enjoying crypto 1. Has 2 ever taken place?


This is awesome!

But it's 400 pages and part II and III are not present :|

Also I find the structure kind of odd. I is symmetric, II asymmetric and III protocols. Where do you put lattices, ZKP, lattices, FHE...

Another thing that bugged me: in the Integrity chapter they talk about MAC. Whereas they should talk about hashes, MAC provide integrity + authentication.

This is a common misconception that integrity is enough to protect against a MITM, whereas no you also need authentication. I'm sure this could lead to people just using a hash to secure their data in transit.

From the Preface:

  The current draft only contains part I. Parts II and III are forthcoming.

I know. I'm just pointing at the fact that this is already a lot of pages just for a third of the book.

The only lattice methods that come to mind are asymmetric (subset sum and NTRU). What symmetric latticr methods are there?

I was also thinking of lattice in Cryptanalysis but I guess this is a book about Cryptography not Crypta

For those who are interested in number theory and its computational aspects, Victor Shoup (co-author of Dan Boneh for this book) also has another awesome book - http://www.shoup.net/ntb/.

Anyone know of any more beginner friendly cryptography materials?

Wow, that looks great. Thanks a lot for the link.

Is page 20 where it says D(k, m):= k xor c a typo? Should be D(k,c) if I'm following it the following paragraphs. c is the ciphertext.

yup it's a typo

This looks great! Anyone know if there is a more ebook-friendly version?

I have two answers, the best one and the immediate one. The best course is to reach out to the authors and see if they will publish the LaTeX that it was used to produce that PDF (or, of course, see if LaTeX is epub aware or such).

The immediate answer to your question is that I only just now tried pdf2htmlEX (https://coolwanglu.github.io/pdf2htmlEX/) and was stunned how good it was. If you are on OSX, one can "brew install pdf2htmlex" your way to happiness. Don't get me wrong: exporting to HTML is a long way from "ebook-friendly" but I feel it is close to the spirit of your question.

Please report back if they authors do agree, as I'm sure you're not the only one interested.

for that kind of pdf I'm sure it works fine, for more complex pdf I'm not sure...

If you don't like it, I'm sure the project will refund your purchase price.

bitcoin is missing in the contents ? Maybe add as application of cryptography / case study

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