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They are all relative timeframes by which a store my be closed; certain hours during the day, certain days during the week, and certain days during the year. Your inability to make sense of it doesn't affect the rest of us. It's like a creationist saying evolution doesn't make sense to them: at some point it is the result of a willful ignorance that you are bragging about. It doesn't make for very interesting trolling.

  > They are all relative timeframes by which
  > a store my be closed; certain hours during
  > the day, certain days during the week, and
  > certain days during the year.
Huh. That's a way of interpreting it I'd never seen. Thank you.

  > Your inability to make sense of it doesn't
  > affect the rest of us.
No, except that it may help people see that what they think is obvious isn't always obvious to others.

  > ... it is the result of a willful ignorance
  > that you are bragging about.
Well, that's obviously your interpretation, but if others see it that way then it explains the hitherto mysterious yoyoing of points on my comments.

  > It doesn't make for very interesting trolling.
I find it disappointing that you think I'd troll.

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