The reason I posted that was precisely because of the point where Arc shines: no inline HTML. But in practice, I want to avoid putting my presentation logic inline with my programming logic anyway.
And I fear that's the problem with the challenge; it seems to be highlighting the wrong kind of simplicity. I could add a few utility functions to make Ruby able to generate that HTML with a tiny amount of code, but I wouldn't ever actually use those functions in a real program.
Edit: Out of curiosity, I just implemented a pseudo-concision-obsessive "library" so see how a Ruby version might look:
The other matter of style is whether the order of the code matches the order in which the user interacts with it.
The three steps in user experience order:
first: a form to accept input,
second: a link to click
third: a printout of the input
Here are the orders used in code:
Ruby+sinatra: third, first, second
arc version 1: third, second, first (original)
arc version 2: second, third, first (May 2009)
Haskell+custom: first, second, third
Interesting results, I think Haskell wins here. Though technically it fails the challenge (the arc version 2 example fails too) since the supporting library was written after the challenge was considered by the author of the example.
The Perl+Continuity solution also uses "first, second & third" style and does it nicely without sessions and adheres to challenge by being an established library:
Here is a version using the HTML::AsSubs module:
use Continuity;
use HTML::AsSubs;
Continuity->new->loop; # This starts the webserver
sub main {
my $request = shift;
my $p = 'foo';
$request->print( aform( $p )->as_HTML );
my $foo = $request->next->param( $p );
$request->print( w_link()->as_HTML );
$request->next->print( "You said: $foo" );
sub aform {
input( { type => 'text', name => $_[0] } ),
input( { type => 'submit'} )
sub w_link { a( { href => '.' }, 'Click Here' ) }
The reason I posted that was precisely because of the point where Arc shines: no inline HTML. But in practice, I want to avoid putting my presentation logic inline with my programming logic anyway.
And I fear that's the problem with the challenge; it seems to be highlighting the wrong kind of simplicity. I could add a few utility functions to make Ruby able to generate that HTML with a tiny amount of code, but I wouldn't ever actually use those functions in a real program.
Edit: Out of curiosity, I just implemented a pseudo-concision-obsessive "library" so see how a Ruby version might look:
I'll note that Rails does have things like those that are often used templates.
Another edit: Moved code samples to pastie for readability.