I wrote a piece in my wiki about tools & methods I use to stay focused.
I found this system to work well for me. It's a Trello board of goals separated by time. Weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly. Where month goals are ideally based off my year goals and week goals are based on month goals. This kind of system gives me structure and focus and I allocate time with events based on the goals I have set. And more importantly it gives long term perspective to the things I do now & the things I want to achieve in life.
The link also goes over some nice tools I use to automate distraction as I have most 'news feed' like websites blocked (front pages of twitter/hn/lobsters/github/..). And only have few times I can actually visit those sites with goals of intentionally viewing them and not out of a habit.
I also try to systemize as much as I can to the point where I create some guidelines ([rules](https://wiki.nikitavoloboev.xyz/focusing/rules)) I wish to follow. It helps me keep things in order and I iterate on them as I gain more experience.
I am curious what systems & methods you guys found that work well for you to achieve this goal of being more mindful of your time and the things you truly want to be doing in life?
Breaking down the major outcomes I want for the year into quarters which each having a specific focus and theme. At the end of each quarter I have a 90 day review to reflect on how I'm doing, where I'm heading and if there is any recalibration that needs to happen from changing priorities.
Each month I is essentially 3 "Acts" that play out the goals of that quarter and those in turn have weekly sprints.
With all that said the day is the most important of it all. What I choose to do each day reverberates across the year. This is where deep investment in intentionally building habits and focusing on systems over goals come into play.
I write more about that system here: https://juvoni.com/you-are-a-rocketship/
A great book that talks about that system is The One Thing by Gary Keller
As for time management tools I’ve focus on four categories
- Tracking
- Quotas
- Blocking
- Scheduling & Task Management
I talk about the tools I use here: https://juvoni.com/tools-of-the-time-manager/
Big highlights are:
- Rescuetime
- Freedom
- TickTick