| | Ask HN: How do I get freelance developer jobs? | |
433 points by jamesmp98 on Dec 18, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 108 comments
| | Sure there are sites like Upwork or Freelancer, but they limit the amount of jobs that you can bid for. I'm not sure if I could successfully get jobs there, so I don't want to waste any bids. People jump on any good projects like crazy. Aside from that, I've been told to scout out local business, but for the moment lets just say that one's a no. How can I get freelancing jobs as a developer? |
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This works really well if you dont want to deal with end clients. You should also phone them every 3 months to remind them who you are, send them christmas cards, show them something you've done recently, etc. You can also replace "web" with "marketing", "advertising", "development", "design" etc in the initial google query.
If you're not an idiot and you're reliable and cost effective, this is a VERY good way to get regular, long term work.