1. | | Zoom Acknowledges It Suspended Activists' Accounts at China's Request (npr.org) |
1069 points by dehrmann on June 13, 2020 | 371 comments
2. | | SQLite as an Application File Format (2014) (sqlite.org) |
567 points by afiori on June 13, 2020 | 301 comments
3. | | Flow browser passes the Acid tests (ekioh.com) |
525 points by methyl on June 13, 2020 | 321 comments
4. | | Design Principles Behind Smalltalk (1981) (virginia.edu) |
194 points by _zhqs on June 12, 2020 | 87 comments
5. | | SageMath – Open-Source Mathematical Software System (sagemath.org) |
380 points by gnramires on June 13, 2020 | 74 comments
6. | | Music Grid (surge.sh) |
379 points by SeventhEpoch on June 13, 2020 | 226 comments
7. | | ULX3S: Hackable FPGA that runs Linux on RISC-V (ulx3s.github.io) |
205 points by herogreen on June 13, 2020 | 79 comments
8. | | Facebook News is filled with stories too mainstream to do well on the rest of FB (niemanlab.org) |
174 points by elsewhen on June 13, 2020 | 131 comments
9. | | Rav1e, an AV1 encoder written in Rust and assembly (github.com/xiph) |
203 points by mindfreeze on June 13, 2020 | 123 comments
10. | | Design electronics like it is 70s at CERN (photos.google.com) |
315 points by rbanffy on June 12, 2020 | 79 comments
11. | | Facebook establishing a venture arm to invest in startups (axios.com) |
198 points by doener on June 12, 2020 | 155 comments
12. | | Forecast, don't guesstimate your software projects (reaktor.com) |
217 points by casseys on June 12, 2020 | 131 comments
13. | | The Early History of F# [pdf] (acm.org) |
138 points by strangecasts on June 13, 2020 | 77 comments
14. | | The American Press Is Destroying Itself (taibbi.substack.com) |
489 points by cjbest on June 13, 2020 | 566 comments
15. | | Microsoft: Rust Is the Industry’s ‘Best Chance’ at Safe Systems Programming (thenewstack.io) |
523 points by adamnemecek on June 13, 2020 | 440 comments
16. | | “Huh” exists in all human languages, according to research (2019) (thelanguagenerds.com) |
238 points by ColinWright on June 13, 2020 | 169 comments
17. | | Show HN: Code Notes – A Gatsby theme for publishing code-related notes (zander.wtf) |
151 points by mrmartineau on June 13, 2020 | 31 comments
18. | | Math-as-Code (2015) (github.com/jam3) |
161 points by yinso on June 13, 2020 | 128 comments
19. | | How x86_64 Addresses Memory (yossarian.net) |
159 points by chmaynard on June 13, 2020 | 72 comments
20. | | HSBC moves from 65 relational databases into one global MongoDB database (diginomica.com) |
251 points by truth_seeker on June 13, 2020 | 274 comments
21. | | Lamphone: Real-Time Passive Sound Recovery from Light Bulb Vibrations (nassiben.com) |
125 points by sohkamyung on June 12, 2020 | 30 comments
22. | | Fountain pen ink properties (crlf.site) |
153 points by polm23 on June 12, 2020 | 119 comments
23. | | Ask HN: Is there any work being done in speech-to-code with deep learning? |
172 points by raidicy on June 12, 2020 | 61 comments
24. | | Bicycle Geometry Terms (99spokes.com) |
174 points by thanhhaimai on June 13, 2020 | 74 comments
25. | | Apple is building an operating system for health (divinations.substack.com) |
198 points by nbashaw on June 13, 2020 | 175 comments
26. | | The Sickness in Our Food Supply (nybooks.com) |
132 points by Thevet on June 12, 2020 | 60 comments
27. | | The blissfully escapist comic novels of PG Wodehouse (bbc.com) |
112 points by unquote on June 12, 2020 | 57 comments
28. | | Hermes – package manager and deployment tool for Linux (acha.ninja) |
123 points by ingve on June 12, 2020 | 38 comments
29. | | Weird Keyboards, Programmable Keyboards (gboards.ca) |
138 points by ecliptik on June 13, 2020 | 107 comments
30. | | Ansible Alternatives in Python (rfox.eu) |
146 points by alexeiz on June 13, 2020 | 89 comments
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