1. | | Jepsen Disputes MongoDB's Data Consistency Claims (infoq.com) |
791 points by anarchyrucks on May 23, 2020 | 399 comments
2. | | Netflix stops charging customers who never watch (bbc.com) |
723 points by d99kris on May 23, 2020 | 500 comments
3. | | Unable to deal with Chrome Extension Team, Kozmos is shutting down (kodfabrik.com) |
1178 points by _fwu1 on May 23, 2020 | 513 comments
4. | | Show HN: LaTeX.css – Make your website look like a LaTeX document (now.sh) |
515 points by doerig on May 23, 2020 | 111 comments
5. | | First Krita Beta for Android and ChromeOS in Play Store (krita.org) |
373 points by reddotX on May 23, 2020 | 127 comments
6. | | Tell HN: Interviewed with Triplebyte? Your profile is about to become public |
1543 points by winston_smith on May 23, 2020 | 574 comments
7. | | Ask HN: What startup/technology is on your 'to watch' list? |
1006 points by iameoghan on May 22, 2020 | 669 comments
8. | | Show HN: A dependently-typed programming language with static memory management (github.com/u2zv1wx) |
456 points by u2zv1wx on May 23, 2020 | 78 comments
9. | | GraphBLAS – Graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra (graphblas.org) |
289 points by johlo on May 23, 2020 | 41 comments
10. | | FBI cannot even look at your phone lock screen without a warrant, rules judge (9to5mac.com) |
395 points by arkadiyt on May 22, 2020 | 103 comments
11. | | Hacker Mods Old Calculator to Access the Internet, Casio Files DMCA Complaint (torrentfreak.com) |
452 points by fraqed on May 23, 2020 | 168 comments
12. | | SQLite 3.32 (sqlite.org) |
379 points by nikbackm on May 23, 2020 | 152 comments
13. | | Catalina is checking notarization of unsigned executables (lapcatsoftware.com) |
361 points by robenkleene on May 23, 2020 | 175 comments
14. | | Gitlab phished its own work-from-home staff, and 1 in 5 fell for it (theregister.co.uk) |
382 points by samizdis on May 22, 2020 | 254 comments
15. | | Researchers achieve optical data transmission speed of 44.2 terabits per second (independent.co.uk) |
170 points by martonlanga on May 23, 2020 | 90 comments
16. | | Herd of Fuzzy Green 'Glacier Mice' Baffles Scientists (npr.org) |
198 points by Xplor on May 23, 2020 | 56 comments
17. | | Show HN: A WebGL Tribute to Tron, the movie that made me fall in love with CGI (mgz.me) |
209 points by mgzme on May 23, 2020 | 42 comments
18. | | Back of the envelope estimation hacks (robertovitillo.com) |
234 points by bkudria on May 22, 2020 | 77 comments
19. | | Show HN: Multi-room audio with Snapcast and Raspberry Pi (oyvn.github.io) |
215 points by elgfare on May 23, 2020 | 37 comments
20. | | The Ten Commandments for C Programmers (1987) (liu.se) |
241 points by ingve on May 23, 2020 | 128 comments
21. | | Loginsrv: JWT login microservice with back ends like OAuth2, Google, GitHub (github.com/tarent) |
171 points by networked on May 23, 2020 | 45 comments
22. | | Assembly's Perspective of C (stephenmarz.com) |
164 points by pavehawk2007 on May 23, 2020 | 15 comments
23. | | If your product is great, it doesn't need to be good (2010) (paulbuchheit.blogspot.com) |
191 points by gmays on May 22, 2020 | 49 comments
24. | | London may have gone into a Covid-accelerated decline (economist.com) |
155 points by jxub on May 23, 2020 | 533 comments
25. | | Sam's Laser Repair FAQ (repairfaq.org) |
122 points by newswasboring on May 23, 2020 | 40 comments
26. | | A Hidden Origin Story of the CBD Craze (nytimes.com) |
118 points by Hooke on May 23, 2020 | 91 comments
27. | | Sxmo: Simple X Mobile – A Pinephone UI that is simple and suckless (sr.ht) |
129 points by dredmorbius on May 21, 2020 | 29 comments
28. | | One-pass Compiler (keleshev.com) |
163 points by halst on May 22, 2020 | 43 comments
29. | | Video Game Heritage and Preservation (computinghistory.org.uk) |
92 points by rbanffy on May 22, 2020 | 11 comments
30. | | Show HN: React Native scrollable bottom sheet native animations gestures 60FPS (github.com/rgommezz) |
144 points by rgommezz on May 22, 2020 | 97 comments
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