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Stories from January 31, 2020
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1. My Second Year as a Solo Developer (mtlynch.io)
1066 points by mtlynch on Jan 31, 2020 | 374 comments
2. Not everyone has an internal monologue (ryanandrewlangdon.wordpress.com)
1225 points by altacc on Jan 30, 2020 | 875 comments
3. OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux port of the Little Snitch application firewall (github.com/evilsocket)
589 points by LinuxBender on Jan 31, 2020 | 131 comments
4. The EARN IT Act: how to ban end-to-end encryption without banning it (stanford.edu)
613 points by liotier on Jan 31, 2020 | 234 comments
5. Let's remove quaternions from every 3D engine (2018) (marctenbosch.com)
627 points by lelf on Jan 31, 2020 | 326 comments
6. Carrier sales of phone-location data is illegal, FCC plans punishment (arstechnica.com)
611 points by Stanleyc23 on Jan 31, 2020 | 156 comments
7. Charges dropped against pentesters paid to break into Iowa courthouse (arstechnica.com)
493 points by froindt on Jan 30, 2020 | 114 comments
8. California Attorney General delays .org sale (domainnamewire.com)
543 points by bbatsell on Jan 31, 2020 | 40 comments
9. Wuhan seafood market may not be source of novel virus spreading globally (sciencemag.org)
367 points by ycombonator on Jan 31, 2020 | 206 comments
10. How to Find New Music (solfej.io)
301 points by garretthenry on Jan 30, 2020 | 266 comments
11. Show HN: Regex Cheatsheet (ihateregex.io)
499 points by geongeorgek on Jan 31, 2020 | 129 comments
12. California's housing bill SB 50 has died in the state Senate (usatoday.com)
289 points by baron816 on Jan 30, 2020 | 439 comments
13. How we pay attention changes the shape of our brains (lithub.com)
326 points by pseudolus on Jan 31, 2020 | 104 comments
14. The Rust Compilation Model Calamity (pingcap.com)
236 points by WTTT on Jan 30, 2020 | 176 comments
15. SpiderFoot: OSINT collection and reconnaissance tool (github.com/smicallef)
272 points by axiomdata316 on Jan 31, 2020 | 26 comments
16. Andrei Tarkovsky’s Message to the Young: “Learn to Be Alone” (2015) (openculture.com)
349 points by vo2maxer on Jan 30, 2020 | 91 comments
17. How to build a search engine with common Unix tools (2018) [pdf] (iaria.org)
197 points by faizshah on Jan 30, 2020 | 26 comments
18. Flashpoint: a webgame preservation project (bluemaxima.org)
241 points by aresant on Jan 31, 2020 | 70 comments
19. Libc++'s Implementation of std::string (joellaity.com)
243 points by stuffypages on Jan 31, 2020 | 128 comments
20. “Unprecedented” locust invasion threatens crops in East Africa (scientificamerican.com)
169 points by LinuxBender on Jan 31, 2020 | 125 comments
21. CERN Ends Trial of Facebook Workplace (home.cern)
306 points by sohkamyung on Jan 31, 2020 | 135 comments
22. Ending the Era of the U.S. Survey Foot (nist.gov)
104 points by amjaeger on Jan 31, 2020 | 158 comments
23. Decentralize Messaging (rodarmor.com)
151 points by wiggler00m on Jan 31, 2020 | 100 comments
24. Realm of Racket (realmofracket.com)
145 points by tosh on Jan 30, 2020 | 8 comments
25. The Odin Programming Language (odin-lang.org)
194 points by gingerBill on Jan 31, 2020 | 141 comments
26. Emilie du Châtelet and her work on Newton's Principia (narratively.com)
126 points by pseudolus on Jan 31, 2020 | 33 comments
27. Botanical illustration is becoming endangered (washingtonpost.com)
132 points by vo2maxer on Jan 30, 2020 | 63 comments
28. Ask HN: How do we stop the polarization/toxicicity filling the web?
422 points by dabockster on Jan 29, 2020 | 804 comments
29. JVM Anatomy Quarks (shipilev.net)
193 points by signa11 on Jan 30, 2020 | 38 comments
30. History of 1918 Flu Pandemic (cdc.gov)
124 points by chmaynard on Jan 31, 2020 | 34 comments

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