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Stories from December 22, 2017
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1. Kids in ‘Netflix Only’ Homes Saved from 230 Hours of Commercials a Year (exstreamist.com)
758 points by joeyespo on Dec 22, 2017 | 440 comments
2. A High School Student Building Integrated Circuits (ieee.org)
400 points by rbanffy on Dec 22, 2017 | 55 comments
3. On the Darknet, Reputation Is Everything (nautil.us)
253 points by rbanffy on Dec 22, 2017 | 143 comments
4. Harvey – An effort to provide a modern, distributed, 64-bit operating system (harvey-os.org)
280 points by floren on Dec 22, 2017 | 106 comments
5. Lessons I Wish I Had Been Taught (1996) [pdf] (tamu.edu)
249 points by samasblack on Dec 22, 2017 | 28 comments
6. Sam Altman: ‘Too many’ Y Combinator companies raise money (venturebeat.com)
269 points by chasedehan on Dec 21, 2017 | 158 comments
7. A Zero-Math Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods (medium.com/benpshaver)
282 points by rbanffy on Dec 22, 2017 | 50 comments
8. Blink has been acquired by Amazon (blinkforhome.com)
187 points by uptown on Dec 22, 2017 | 86 comments
9. Show HN: Open Paperless – Scan, index, and archive paper documents (github.com/zhoubear)
285 points by zhoubear on Dec 21, 2017 | 96 comments
10. Acoustic Denial of Service Attacks on HDDs (arxiv.org)
125 points by adulau on Dec 22, 2017 | 23 comments
11. How the Nvidia Ruler Measures Up (nvidia.com)
188 points by bcaulfield on Dec 22, 2017 | 39 comments
12. Proofs of Useful Work [pdf] (iacr.org)
99 points by pmuk on Dec 22, 2017 | 38 comments
13. FCC Fines Sinclair Broadcast Group $13.4M for Running Sponsored Content as News (variety.com)
230 points by Deinos on Dec 22, 2017 | 80 comments
14. Mathematicians Find Wrinkle in Famed Fluid Equations (quantamagazine.org)
240 points by digital55 on Dec 21, 2017 | 120 comments
15. BIDS Receives Sloan Foundation Grant to Contribute to NumPy Development (bids.berkeley.edu)
93 points by happy-go-lucky on Dec 22, 2017 | 1 comment
16. Belarus to create a regulatory environment for circulation of cryptocurrencies (dev.by)
226 points by anorsich on Dec 22, 2017 | 135 comments
17. Nvidia’s New Policy Limits GeForce Data Center Usage (wirelesswire.jp)
242 points by gone35 on Dec 21, 2017 | 145 comments
18. Sitting May Be Bad for Your Heart (nytimes.com)
185 points by hvo on Dec 22, 2017 | 116 comments
19. Learn CSS Grid through interactive screencasts (scrimba.com)
206 points by judofyr on Dec 22, 2017 | 40 comments
20. Humans vs. Machines: When to Hire and When to Automate (heavybit.com)
50 points by craigkerstiens on Dec 22, 2017 | 11 comments
21. Show HN: Byte Arena – Code Your Fighter Bot (bytearena.com)
179 points by netgusto on Dec 22, 2017 | 40 comments
22. Triggering Video Playback with Bots and Crawlers (mux.com)
42 points by urlgrey on Dec 22, 2017 | 4 comments
23. AVX-512, what’s useful for us (obe.tv)
93 points by rbultje on Dec 22, 2017 | 48 comments
24. Technical feasibility of regulating public Blockchain explored (techtake.info)
76 points by alokashtikar on Dec 22, 2017 | 51 comments
25. Distributed count distinct vs. HyperLogLog in Postgres (citusdata.com)
85 points by craigkerstiens on Dec 22, 2017 | 11 comments
26. A lightweight, high-performance, language-independent job queue system (github.com/fireworq)
108 points by y_uuki on Dec 22, 2017 | 38 comments
27. Advanced Image Manipulation and Data Extraction (algorithmia.com)
103 points by mikeyanderson on Dec 21, 2017 | 20 comments
28. A RISC V Based Linear Algebra Accelerator for SoC Designs [video] (youtube.com)
70 points by rbanffy on Dec 22, 2017 | 9 comments
29. Haven: Keep Watch (guardianproject.github.io)
113 points by runesoerensen on Dec 22, 2017 | 16 comments
30. Exploiting Vector Instructions with Generalized Stream Fusion [pdf] (microsoft.com)
32 points by mpweiher on Dec 22, 2017 | 4 comments

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