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Stories from July 12, 2017
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1. Net Neutrality Day of Action: Help Preserve the Open Internet (blog.google)
1664 points by ghosh on July 12, 2017 | 433 comments
2. Battle for the Internet (battleforthenet.com)
1275 points by anigbrowl on July 12, 2017 | 487 comments
3. The Facebook Algorithm Mom Problem (boffosocko.com)
738 points by pmlnr on July 12, 2017 | 301 comments
4. Scientists Design Solar Cell That Captures Nearly All Energy of Solar Spectrum (rdmag.com)
262 points by 3eto on July 12, 2017 | 128 comments
5. CSS and JS code coverage in Chrome DevTools (developers.google.com)
430 points by HearMeRoar on July 12, 2017 | 120 comments
6. ZFS Is the Best Filesystem For Now (fosketts.net)
311 points by ingve on July 12, 2017 | 269 comments
7. Make Hacker News Your Facebook Newsfeed (github.com/yczeng)
253 points by slammmm on July 12, 2017 | 94 comments
8. p5.js – A library to make coding accessible for artists, designers, educators (p5js.org)
349 points by joeyespo on July 12, 2017 | 76 comments
9. Life Is About to Get Harder for Websites Without HTTPS (troyhunt.com)
286 points by finnn on July 12, 2017 | 351 comments
10. Analyzing GitHub, how developers change programming languages over time (sourced.tech)
186 points by nicolrx on July 12, 2017 | 56 comments
11. Ask HN: Why is Bluetooth so unreliable?
351 points by whitepoplar on July 12, 2017 | 261 comments
12. Doppio: JVM written in JavaScript (plasma-umass.github.io)
228 points by api on July 12, 2017 | 88 comments
13. Avery’s laws of Wi-Fi reliability (apenwarr.ca)
170 points by colinprince on July 11, 2017 | 84 comments
14. The Ultimate-64 board (1541ultimate.net)
154 points by ingve on July 12, 2017 | 13 comments
15. Tiny Apps (tinyapps.org)
266 points by lsh on July 11, 2017 | 111 comments
16. Owl – An OCaml Numerical Library (github.com/ryanrhymes)
173 points by jimyl on July 12, 2017 | 46 comments
17. The farthest star (syfy.com)
159 points by yitchelle on July 11, 2017 | 30 comments
18. Encoding of a digital movie into the genomes of a population of living bacteria (nature.com)
91 points by skosuri on July 12, 2017 | 38 comments
19. Fedora Loves Python (fedoralovespython.org)
151 points by type0 on July 11, 2017 | 84 comments
20. Dutch app gives elderly pedestrians extra crossing time at traffic lights (theguardian.com)
111 points by kawera on July 12, 2017 | 80 comments
21. How to Become a Good Theoretical Physicist (uu.nl)
157 points by seycombi on July 12, 2017 | 50 comments
22. Project Lamdu: A Live Programming Environment and Language (lamdu.org)
100 points by telekid on July 12, 2017 | 14 comments
23. ClojureScript Is Not An Island: Integrating Node Modules (clojurescript.org)
193 points by swannodette on July 12, 2017 | 42 comments
24. NYU releases the largest LiDAR dataset ever to help urban development (techcrunch.com)
113 points by janober on July 12, 2017 | 11 comments
25. How to build a JavaScript package manager (yarnpkg.com)
121 points by cpojer on July 12, 2017 | 17 comments
26. ProcOS: scheduling atop Unikernels (bentrask.com)
53 points by akkartik on July 12, 2017 | 16 comments
27. Microsoft's Calibri font is at the center of a political scandal in Pakistan (engadget.com)
252 points by okket on July 12, 2017 | 111 comments
28. Building the XNU kernel on macOS Sierra (0xcc.re)
82 points by mikalv on July 12, 2017 | 62 comments
29. What convinced the Supreme Court to take the Wisconsin gerrymandering case? (vox.com)
145 points by fritzw on July 12, 2017 | 89 comments
30. Disneyland raised prices to shorten waits (latimes.com)
114 points by t23 on July 12, 2017 | 158 comments

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