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Stories from April 12, 2016
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1. Leaving Beta, New Sponsors (letsencrypt.org)
896 points by dankohn1 on April 12, 2016 | 170 comments
2. Namecheap live chat social engineering leads to loss of 2 VPS (postphp.com)
695 points by Casseres on April 12, 2016 | 408 comments
3. A Visionary Project Aims for Alpha Centauri, a Star 4.37 Light-Years Away (nytimes.com)
492 points by sravfeyn on April 12, 2016 | 262 comments
4. Steve Miller: The Whole Music Industry Is Fuckin' Gangsters and Crooks (rollingstone.com)
412 points by 6stringmerc on April 12, 2016 | 304 comments
5. Uber says it gave U.S. agencies data on more than 12M users (reuters.com)
372 points by t23 on April 12, 2016 | 95 comments
6. Brain scans reveal how LSD affects consciousness (nature.com)
376 points by etiam on April 11, 2016 | 201 comments
7. How to Make Pittsburgh a Startup Hub (paulgraham.com)
332 points by _pius on April 12, 2016 | 356 comments
8. Facebook Messenger Platform (messenger.com)
312 points by hendler on April 12, 2016 | 233 comments
9. Goldman Sachs Finally Admits It Defrauded Investors During the Financial Crisis (fortune.com)
333 points by adamnemecek on April 12, 2016 | 190 comments
10. Continuous Deployment at Instagram (engineering.instagram.com)
239 points by nbm on April 12, 2016 | 91 comments
11. Voltron: A hacky debugger UI for hackers (github.com/snare)
260 points by okanesen on April 12, 2016 | 73 comments
12. It's time to dispel the myths about nuclear power (theguardian.com)
243 points by Osiris30 on April 12, 2016 | 320 comments
13. Medium and Twitter founder: ‘We put junk food in front of them and they eat it’ (theguardian.com)
219 points by ALee on April 11, 2016 | 157 comments
14. There’s Plenty of Space for One Trillion More Trees (nautil.us)
156 points by dnetesn on April 11, 2016 | 74 comments
15. GitHub's Content Security Policy journey (githubengineering.com)
165 points by ptoomey3 on April 12, 2016 | 23 comments
16. Google will warn users when sites contain social engineering ads (techcrunch.com)
151 points by PirateDave on April 12, 2016 | 90 comments
17. You Could Do Almost Anything Part 1 (elischiff.com)
181 points by elischiff on April 12, 2016 | 36 comments
18. Apache Storm 1.0 released (apache.org)
160 points by wener on April 12, 2016 | 42 comments
19. Facebook Surround 360: An Open 3D-360 video capture system (facebook.com)
144 points by runesoerensen on April 12, 2016 | 53 comments
20. How to write a Bloom filter in C++ (michaelschmatz.com)
130 points by schmatz on April 12, 2016 | 19 comments
21. An MIT Underwear Exposé (and Sorting Hat) (mitadmissions.org)
163 points by aardvarks on April 12, 2016 | 61 comments
22. [flagged] GCE down in all regions (cloud.google.com)
320 points by vox_mollis on April 12, 2016 | 175 comments
23. Statistics for Software (paypal-engineering.com)
199 points by mhashemi on April 11, 2016 | 14 comments
24. Brane Craft (nasa.gov)
118 points by protomyth on April 12, 2016 | 54 comments
25. Impossible I-1: first new Polaroid camera in 20 years (impossible-project.com)
107 points by peteforde on April 11, 2016 | 62 comments
26. Show HN: Wit.ai Bot Engine beta (wit.ai)
174 points by blandinw on April 12, 2016 | 47 comments
27. John Carmack's BAFTA Introduction, Speech and Interview [video] (youtube.com)
167 points by nailer on April 11, 2016 | 22 comments
28. Unknown Neo Geo Fighting Game Discovered and Dumped (neo-geo.com)
191 points by Karuma on April 12, 2016 | 25 comments
29. Deep Space Industries (deepspaceindustries.com)
72 points by setra on April 11, 2016 | 25 comments
30. For life expectancy, money matters (news.harvard.edu)
174 points by jonbaer on April 12, 2016 | 164 comments

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