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Stories from April 4, 2016
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1. Freedom and security issues on x86 platforms (fsfeurope.org)
713 points by stargrave on April 4, 2016 | 274 comments
2. Save Netflix (eff.org)
813 points by thecombjelly on April 4, 2016 | 225 comments
3. The TSA Randomizer App Cost $336k (inburke.com)
486 points by andrewguenther on April 3, 2016 | 248 comments
4. Mailtrain.org, self-hosted open-source Mailchimp clone (mailtrain.org)
401 points by andris9 on April 4, 2016 | 92 comments
5. Turkish Citizenship Database Leaked (ibtimes.co.uk)
664 points by ponyous on April 4, 2016 | 259 comments
6. Mutt 1.6 (mutt.org)
339 points by janvdberg on April 4, 2016 | 183 comments
7. Google's Nest is disabling some of its customers' old smart-home devices (businessinsider.com)
428 points by msh on April 4, 2016 | 311 comments
8. A programming language for living cells (phys.org)
216 points by ctoth on April 3, 2016 | 47 comments
9. Joe Medicine Crow, the Last Link to the Battle of Little Big Horn, Dies at 102 (washingtonpost.com)
253 points by protomyth on April 4, 2016 | 67 comments
10. Release: Fully operational dlclose exploit + Linux for PS4, by kR105 (wololo.net)
173 points by alxsanchez on April 4, 2016 | 51 comments
11. Open-Source Processor Core Ready for IoT (eetimes.com)
153 points by razer6 on April 4, 2016 | 14 comments
12. You can now install a GSM network using apt-get (gnumonks.org)
203 points by ashitlerferad on April 4, 2016 | 48 comments
13. OpenBazaar is Open for Business (openbazaar.org)
215 points by griffinmb on April 4, 2016 | 36 comments
14. Computers Without Clocks – Ivan Sutherland (2002) [pdf] (virginia.edu)
118 points by dang on April 4, 2016 | 56 comments
15. SSE: mind the gap (fgiesen.wordpress.com)
117 points by Audiophilip on April 3, 2016 | 34 comments
16. I Tried to Virtually Stalk Mark Zuckerberg (alexkras.com)
349 points by akras14 on April 4, 2016 | 89 comments
17. From Leading the Egyptian Revolution to Making Minimum Wage in San Francisco (priceonomics.com)
135 points by pmcpinto on April 4, 2016 | 59 comments
18. FreeBSD 10.3 (freebsd.org)
202 points by jlgaddis on April 4, 2016 | 101 comments
19. Bullet indicates Lawrence of Arabia was no liar (phys.org)
106 points by Mz on April 4, 2016 | 26 comments
20. Rise of Ad Blocking Is the Ad Industry's Fault, Says Outgoing FTC Commissioner (vice.com)
253 points by chopin on April 4, 2016 | 215 comments
21. Fileless Malware – A Behavioural Analysis of Kovter Persistence (airbuscybersecurity.com)
78 points by adamnemecek on April 3, 2016 | 4 comments
22. The Secret Tesla Motors Master Plan (2006) (teslamotors.com)
244 points by Jarred on April 4, 2016 | 194 comments
23. Tantrums as Status Symbols (2005) (marginalrevolution.com)
106 points by networked on April 4, 2016 | 59 comments
24. Stream PirateBay movies directly from CLI
249 points by guilhermepontes on April 4, 2016 | 204 comments
25. Apricity OS: A Beautiful Arch Linux Distro (apricityos.com)
168 points by tambourine_man on April 4, 2016 | 119 comments
26. Vitter's reservoir sampling algorithm D: randomly selecting unique items (getkerf.wordpress.com)
117 points by colinprince on April 4, 2016 | 74 comments
27. No U.S. tech company went public in Q1 2016 (qz.com)
162 points by elorant on April 4, 2016 | 62 comments
28. Tikv: Distributed key value store powered by Rust (github.com/pingcap)
137 points by adamnemecek on April 4, 2016 | 44 comments
29. [dupe] The Panama Papers: how the world’s rich and famous hide their money offshore (theguardian.com)
385 points by petethomas on April 4, 2016 | 141 comments
30. Buybacks at $46B a Month Dwarf Everything in U.S. Market (2015) (bloomberg.com)
106 points by tosseraccount on April 4, 2016 | 151 comments

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