1. | | Why has the quality of brick buildings declined in the last 100 years? (greenbuildingadvisor.com) |
406 points by nkurz on Nov 6, 2015 | 277 comments
2. | | Thank you, Y Combinator (garrytan.com) |
515 points by doppp on Nov 6, 2015 | 73 comments
3. | | TPP banning requirements to transfer or access to source code of software (keionline.org) |
384 points by SomeoneWeird on Nov 6, 2015 | 147 comments
4. | | 24/192 music downloads make no sense (xiph.org) |
325 points by LERobot on Nov 6, 2015 | 228 comments
5. | | Flutter – Cross-platform mobile framework from Google (flutter.io) |
455 points by _r5wf on Nov 6, 2015 | 275 comments
6. | | MI5 'secretly collected phone data' for decade (bbc.co.uk) |
279 points by yexponential on Nov 6, 2015 | 150 comments
7. | | Square’s IPO Terms Put Valuation Below Latest Funding Round (wsj.com) |
116 points by pierrealexandre on Nov 6, 2015 | 86 comments
8. | | Assembly Language: Still Relevant Today (wilsonminesco.com) |
135 points by ingve on Nov 6, 2015 | 75 comments
9. | | CodePush by Microsoft (microsoft.github.io) |
266 points by onra87 on Nov 5, 2015 | 82 comments
10. | | The Mathematics of Paul Graham's Bias Test (chrisstucchio.com) |
243 points by coris47 on Nov 6, 2015 | 78 comments
11. | | Release of the Full TPP Text Confirms Threats to Users’ Rights (eff.org) |
246 points by sanqui on Nov 5, 2015 | 37 comments
12. | | Five hours with Edward Snowden (dn.se) |
327 points by henrik_w on Nov 6, 2015 | 219 comments
13. | | Modernizing Python's IDLE (tkdocs.com) |
155 points by markroseman on Nov 6, 2015 | 41 comments
14. | | Famo.us pivots, fires 20 employees (techcrunch.com) |
176 points by thepoet on Nov 6, 2015 | 147 comments
15. | | The Hardest Logic Puzzle: A step-by-step guide to true, false, and random (nautil.us) |
68 points by dnetesn on Nov 6, 2015 | 32 comments
16. | | Prescription painkiller deaths fall in medical marijuana states (reuters.com) |
192 points by anigbrowl on Nov 6, 2015 | 113 comments
17. | | Grsecurity Developer Spender's Feelings on the State of Linux Security (grsecurity.net) |
197 points by jsnathan on Nov 6, 2015 | 76 comments
18. | | Linus Torvalds Talks Linux Security at LinuxCon (eweek.com) |
137 points by kercker on Nov 6, 2015 | 61 comments
19. | | Protopiper: physically sketching room-sized objects at actual scale (robertkovax.com) |
100 points by Tomte on Nov 6, 2015 | 1 comment
20. | | The IBM POWER8 Review: Challenging the Intel Xeon (anandtech.com) |
141 points by msh on Nov 6, 2015 | 71 comments
21. | | The Decay of Twitter (theatlantic.com) |
167 points by bceskavich on Nov 6, 2015 | 135 comments
22. | | Early lessons from the micro-purchase experiment (gsa.gov) |
93 points by zeckalpha on Nov 6, 2015 | 41 comments
23. | | Inside the deal that made Bill Gates $350M (1986) [pdf] (unf.edu) |
61 points by unreal37 on Nov 6, 2015 | 30 comments
24. | | How Pantone Became a Global Authority on Color (theatlantic.com) |
46 points by prismatic on Nov 5, 2015 | 18 comments
25. | | Toyota to Invest $1B in AI and Robotics R&D (ieee.org) |
101 points by mcspecter on Nov 6, 2015 | 35 comments
26. | | Hidden in plain sight: Brute-forcing Slack private files (ibuildings.nl) |
146 points by relaxnow on Nov 6, 2015 | 51 comments
27. | | I rewrote Firefox's BMP decoder (blog.mozilla.org) |
148 points by nnethercote on Nov 6, 2015 | 49 comments
28. | | Self-compiling Android application (github.com/tribler) |
76 points by d99kris on Nov 6, 2015 | 5 comments
29. | | Show HN: SHML (shell markup language) (maxcdn.github.io) |
71 points by jdorfman on Nov 6, 2015 | 12 comments
30. | | PageFair: Economist hacked (economist.com) |
103 points by aburan28 on Nov 6, 2015 | 61 comments
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